barry bonds gets punished for being too good. it is true. he might not have even done steroids, he never admitted it or tested positive. what is known is that he is actually one of the best hitters ever. he gets no cred because he is unapologetically good. he wont bow down to the bob costas whiteboy fandom, or the bro shit over at espn. he doesnt give a shit. barry bonds grew up with money and fame, he isnt humble or appreciative. basically he was born rich, is a phenomenal athlete and that's that. why should he put on some kind of humility act? some athletes are arrogant (tiger, cristano ronaldo, kobe, lebron) but make very halfhearted attempts at presenting some kind of relatable facade. these halfhearted attempts please the sports media and usually they present these athletes in a positive light, paving the way for endorsements and whatnot. barry bonds does not give a FUCKKKK.
talking to his lawyer |
this guy is prosecuting barry bonds. he is an asshole. |
greg anderson is tough, he goes to jail instead of testifying |
this slut used to bone barry bonds, now she is testifying
against him
the government is clearly riddled with waste. how, when we run a deficit every year can they afford to prosecute barry bonds. every person taking part in the prosecution's case should be tried for treason. they are bankrupting this country and slandering a great american.