Saturday, April 9, 2011


boards (of canada for u noobs) have an ep/mad early release titled that and when i was but a wee youth listening to it i wondered if the relaxin ambient thrills and chills that rushed through my body were akin to actual acid memories. Daydreamin about drugs is kinda weird when ur but a tyke, but totally worth it. Drugs are awesome. I just awoke from a dream in whcih i was trippin on acid. My brain remmebred the effect so perfectly that i was able to enjoy all the sublime characteristics of trippin includin... openness, social unawareness/kinda awkwardness, entertaining hallucinations, heightened sense of touch, artistic genius, displaced feeling of being... and many other fantastic sensations.

its kinda like this for all u nooby druggy bros

whenever i listen to strawberry jam (Animalhoof 2007 jam) i am immediately flooded with feeling of drugmt induced mirth, hallucinations and apathy. Its awesome. Broadcast's Tender Buttons is a smoky melange of contemplative solitude, blanketing darkness, perpetual philosophical meandering, and now grief (RIP trish.. sorry i didnt write an mournful blog entry bout u, i was in ireland... this will have to do). WHen i hear brightblack morning light's s/t album, motion becomes meaningless and i am eternally subdued and amused by a foggy pot storm of complacent indifference. WHen i listen to panda bros tomboy... now available through the internetssss... i wonder how am i ever gonna warmly reflect on this ultra hip chillwave album if i dont have any money for drugs...

(more acid gifs... sooo gooooood wooooo)

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