Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the cult of academia

academics is no different than any other ignorance_preying_upon, shockingly well funded special interest group, like organized religions. academia and organized religion's opposition to one another probably stems from the fact that they are competing for the wallets of the general public. watching a college graduation ceremony, with its elaborate ritual, stupid costumes, enormous running time and tedious speakers, can only be compared to attending a religious service. academics pray to numerous idols: plato, descartes, sontag, etc. basically substituting the life advice of dead pretentious pricks for the life advice of an all powerful made-up being(s). only in church and court can mind numbing procedural rhetoric like that of the college graduation be found. (people usually begrudge the money they pay to support the court [via TAXES] but for some reason are all too happy to waste their money on education and whateevr the fuck you get out of church.) possibly the greatest fucking hoax being pulled on the american public right now is the myth of education. what the fuck does anyone learn in college? i suppose if you go for a reason (pre-med, shit like that) you good, but what about things like "business" or "marketing" or any kind of liberal arts degree. like what the fuck are you going to learn that you wouldnt learn by specific training in a certain field a la trade school. and besides, why should everyone get educated? most people arent smart enough. i suppose the true "intellectuals" chillin at their bougie liberal arts schools frown upon the kind of shitty, ignorant, high-school part 2.0 education people get at most kinds of schools, but the pretentious education is still worthless. i think it was the eminently boring margaret atwood who said that women used to be educated only to make interesting conversation. well that is as good a reason as any, and if someone learns how to make interesting conversation god bless, because most educated people fail at that too. what people gain is an indoctrination into one world-view, which is some bullshit laden with "progressive" shit (feminism and what have u) and a deep seated fear and dislike (sometimes tempered by condescension and arrogance) towards the uneducated and less educated.

His holiness archibishop DUmbledore-of-Annandale, recieving a magical ESPN communication from famous dead intellectual PLAT-0

if you are stupid enough to believe that a college education makes you a better person, you are probably stupid enough to believe that the pope can talk to god.

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