Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Why doesn't anyone feel bad for gaddafi? He's just a guy who has a country, and now some asshole have tried to fuck up his country. i have respect for qaddafi. the other fuckers in egypt, tunisia, etc. just rolled over and gave in to a few douschebag college kids in a public park. qaddafi thought about his options, realized that he would not be bested by some twitter and fucking turned on the fire hoses. now everyone is tight like "qaddafi is fighting the rebels" as if any government would allow some douschbags to try and overthrow it violently, without some manner of fight.

You can tell that gadafi isnt probably as bad as he is made out to be, because of how hard certain publications and media outlets call for his removal. the biases of the US media are so evident, that when they espouse one opinion, you can be certain the other is true.
Gaddafi's greatest crime is that he is a crook enriching himself at the expense of his constituents. this makes him as bad as every single other politician in the entire world.
Gaddafi wears outrageous clothing, however other publications have already addressed this.

substitute gaddafi for britney in his monologue. it is basically the same thing.

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