Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Defamation of the Last True Artform

I should take it for granted that every livign being has seen the benny benassi video. It is the first thing on utube after typing in satisfaction and has over 4.3 million views. Due to its popularity the four women:  Jerri Byrne, Thekla Roth, Natasha Mealey and Lena Frank have become households names.  The video is as iconic as Warhol's marilyn monroes, not to mention as equally bright and sexy/stylish.

But just in case u forgot hear it is:

and its sexy sister:

After being sent the granny version of Satisfaction today by an incredibly tech savvy artist of incomparable talents, i watched the video and was aghast. I felt like coolio after Weird Al ruined his career.

Sexy women videos have been around since the origin of filmmaking. If one wants to capture something beautiful, the best choice is inevitably the most beautiful thing in existence, the female form. Artists spend years upon years contemplating the female body in order to undestand its perfection. So when one crew of cinematographer, director, makeup artist, costumer, lightng tech, and choreographer devise a way to display the female form on video in a state of beauty never captured before, it is nothing less than earthshattering. It is a piece to contemplate and cherish for many years, until its brilliance is undercut by utter blasphemy. Aging is not something to take lightly, it is the sorry plight that will constantly bring every man closer to death and away from the virility of youth. The human body ages like a flower withers, which undeniably is a generic symbol of grief, sadness, loneliness and death. The wonderful things that satisfaction once symbolized are now forgotten amidst foolishly naive comedic efforts that are in fact devastating reminders of the mortality of humanity and that death lingers.

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