Friday, November 5, 2010

the audacity!

loudly slammin a pack of newps against your open palm in the middle of a college campus is basically analogous to gettin totes drunk in some european club while slurfully pleading the dj to put on the latest mashup of kanye jamz and nirvanas rape me.

and let me clarify... i do not in anyway sympathize with this ignorant person.  In fact im pretty pissed off that shes offerin up her minty delicious newp while im trying to be all studious like and get to that fuckin library.  I see her standin by herself waiting for someone to chat her up but i also know that if ur that desperate to give away ur fresh desirable delights then u gotta be one hell of a lame ass person. 

thus i stay away from them types. just like i stay away from slutty women.

when satan tempted jesus a whole bunch in that desert... i betya he used newports


  1. i slurfully plead the world to stop smoking newps

  2. new newps they now come in non-mentholated flavor and the packaging is red

  3. i wanna meet the person that goes into the smoke shop sees non menthol newps and says... hmm they prob taste pretty good
