Friday, September 10, 2010

I put on a vegan crunk night

the more removed i am from this shit, the more novel and funny it seems. is something funnier when u only have a vague idea of it, but you know it is shit? making fun of people who dress like clowns is something everyone luvs. i think alot of that shit, like deliberately looking as unattractive as possible is mad retarded. (u see me high waisted jeans? american aparrel?) im saying like i own at dressing myself, thats no fuckin doubt, and im right about everything again obvi. i could just look at myself in a mirror for ages. or maybe the window of a parked car, idk im not too fussy. the making a video of pictures from DOs and DONTs is pretty funny too. some people like from college and shit, they seem like so deep into their pretentiousness, and like general space cadetedness brought about by arrogance, i would be surprised to see them drive a car. it would be like damn, you actually do something that normal people do, but im sure it pains you, if only old road bikes could be made to travel at highway speeds. people who couldnt even talk loudly enough in class for anyone to hear them "all this pretension is constricting my lungs, but i want to contribute to the discussion about women/minorities/some epic philosopher/a long book without pictures/etc". Regular ignorant people buy drinks at the store. semi-tentious people, who care about "DARFUR" and put their college's sticker on the back window of their car, they have bitch-ass nalgene bottles. the ultimate, unable to breathe rapidly or speak loudly peoples who wear orthopedic shoes and have moustaches have glass jars they refill with water, or some kind of tea.

upon further viewing i have noticed this video isnt 100% applicable to my shit, but fuck it enough of it is.

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