Sunday, June 27, 2010


what fucking good would that do? not like its that easy to catch unlimited fishes, and seeing how many fucking wishes i have i would need like a massive commercial trawler to even out a dent in all of my myriad wishes. sure we'd all cast nets, but then there wouldnt be any fucking wishes left anyway. maybe thats how it is. the ocean of intangible goodness is depleted by bitches on supersweet 16 and their ilk (spoiled rich kids) much like the actual ocean's lack of fish the ocean of goodness has been overfished. instead of being overfished by giant floating factories that travel for months and freeze the fish onboard nd whtnot, these oceans have been overfished by wealthy people the world over. when they wish for shit they get it. "i wish to fuck around and do nothing for my whole life, yet still have nigh on unlimited access to fun, brilliant consumer goods, influence, and anything else my heart desires" then the overseer of wishes answers: "ive evaluated your wish for everything, at first i was going to say you've done nothing in your trite life to deserve all of the shit u want but then i realized you have rich parents, so why dont u go ahead and take it. i'll just deny that aids orphan's wish to make up for it"

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