Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Big L is probably better than every rapper besides Biggie. As a statement of objective fact I think it is indisputable. Whenever someone kills it, then dies, they are, in a sense, lucky. everyone remembers them as beautiful and good. they are never old, pointless, just cashing in on their reputation. Rappers have a hard time fading away. it's much easier for them to just die, and their legacy is untainted by all of their lyrically weak old man cash-in songs (jay-z). or bloated concepts and bad production (nas) or irrelevency (all the rest of the old rappers who arent retired yet) Either way, Big L just made straight bangers, then he got shot when he was 24. Children of the Corn was such a sick idea. SOmetimes I imagine an alternate universe, where BIggie and Big L lived. SOuthern Rap stayed a regional thing with the odd novelty hit. 50 cent never made it. Jay Z stayed in the shadows. The new wave of pussy rappers like kanye and drake were forced to stay at their original jobs (producer and child actor). Fuck it BIg Pun lived too. there was nothing but good rap music. NIcki MInaj was a video ho and never yelled gibberish in funny voices(on a record). im so sad that everything went down the way it did. Everything bad started with all the good rappers dying. then came Bush, 9/11, all the wars, the shitty economy, Obama, etc. in my alternate universe all of that class music saved us from all of the bad shit.

There is a live version of the gang starr song full clip, with much big L RIPing, not just the one time from the regular one. today on the throwback at noon mr. cee played a half an hour of big L. it was diesel.

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