Wednesday, December 1, 2010

MuSiC iS mYy LiFe

The importance of music is generally overstated. People used to say on their myspace profiles things like: “music is my life” “i can't live without music” shit like that. Well I think they are full of shit. Things like “breathing is my life” or “i love all different kinds of water except country” would be more appropriate. For some people music really is a big deal, those people who are good at playing/composing it. But for other people who are good at listening to music? Fuck off. Music is a great tool of marketers, and indeed music is a [failing] business. Throughout the last half century music consumption was marketed and sold as a means towards coolness and establishment of a personal brand. Indeed music must be described as one of the greatest marketing successes of all time. A great deal of people partially if not completely define their very existence as a human being by their taste in music, which is, at the same time, a consumer good. No one ever defines themself by their choice in laundry detergent. “i love liquid detergent” or on the about me of their social networking profile “im really into hypoallergenic laundry powder” I don't hate music or anything, I often listen to it in the car, or when I am playing beer pong. I'm just saying, some people take it a bit seriously, like its some big fucking deal what kind of music you listen to. I care about as much about the coolness of music as I do about the coolness of socks. In fact getting all worked up about your personal taste in a consumer good is just silly. Sure it is important, but let's keep it all relevant. 

if u think your choice in music makes you cool, you actually look like this. With a matrix comic sans font. honestly. I dont even feel bad if music as a viable business fails, and there is no more mariah carey style 10000x platinum artists ever again. and fuck the rolling tones too. in fact i hope it does. no more music biz. just 3D movies, cable news and internet porn, the only choices for corporate entertainment.

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