anyways this aint gonna be no self deprecating blog post about how i gots to be better at doin things and shit. instead im gonna blame all my bloggeresque flaws on other people (like my loved ones) and things (like dose tings that no one can control... like the weather)
first of all i just had to spend a fuckin year in another country where they dont even have internets.
(i went there btws... cliffs of moher, it was mad sweet and rainy and i was getting blown everywhich way... totes awesome)
yeha but so this place doesnt import any beers xcept bud. so every god damn pub, which are supposed to be plentiful (and they are) and dope (which they arent really), only serves about 5 different beers... only continually drinkable one, guiness.
and then the fuckers costed 4 quid. or whatev they call their goofy colored money.
But ireland was pretty. Dont understand why i gots to fly cross a massive ocean to go see something pretty. I live in fuckin merica.
Other reasons i recently suck: Everyones always naggin me an shit.
I dont get it, people can do things witout my approval. I havent recently been named lord of all mundane and logical processes.People should stop bothering me so i can do important things like... masterbate and play vid games and blog and shit.
fucking commercials. I hate fucking commericals theyre totes ruining my life. if i ever buy my own tv, im gonna git one that doesnt have commercials... fuck 3d i dont need another dimension, i need to first purify the 2 i got and therefore get rid of fuckin commercials... xcept when im drunk, they kinda funny when im drunk and r a welcome respite from tv shows that can get arduous and complicated.
um i hate food and how u gotta prepare it and make it all the time. and transportation and how u have to go somewhere to get somewhere, u cant just be there.
an learnin... what a pain, id rather remain ignorant... it makes my blogs better
"lord of all mundane and logical processes"
ireland is wack