ON a serious note though, I really think Charlie Sheen kills it.
it makes sense that he is on a show as dumb as 2.5 men. he is probably mad effed up all the time, and totally fucking hungover. I have never really seen more than 3 minutes of 2.5 men, and i dont know anything about acting. as far as i can tell acting on sitcoms doesnt have to be good, people sort of just shoot off dumb jokes. some more serious sitcoms like ones from england, or conceptual things like arrested development, those require some acting maybe. but again i dont really know. Either way Charlie (real name Carlos estevez) Sheen is hilarious. he and his bro EMILIO should make a movie. about why seinfeld blows.
they should make repo man 2, in which they chill with mad mel and do crimes