Monday, January 24, 2011

the harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved

i have no money. that means i have enough money for gas, drinking, going out for pizza, my cell phone. and nothing else. i dont understand where other people get things. maybe they drink/smoke less than me. how can other people afford shit? i dont pay rent. if i had rent/mortgage i would never have any money. i think a decent standard of living, with morally responsible food, vacation and clothing purchases requires an income of easily 100k and up. if you want to live in a place with decent restaurants and shit, and ready access to clothing stores, that isnt a dirty city, you are f-d. shit is tough. some people i know have jobs and shit. like real ones. im pretty jealous. would totally love a crib w/o my parents. i hate dogs. we have 2. hate the lifestyle of blount rides. hate my parents.

i feel like many people had these feelings in high school. maybe now they love their parents? maybe they are more mature than me. idk. i feel like i need to attend the hater's ball. hate hate hate. its not just jealousy motivated though. some of it is also scornful. resent people whose lifestyle choices i find callous or immoral. (most of these people coincidentally have nicer cars than me)
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1 comment:

  1. kinda feel like hatin parents is necessary but also kinda self loathin, since ur just their jizzum and stuff
