Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Musicians spread love and peace, and bring people together. That's what we do," he said. "We don't cherry-pick our conscience."

Elton-jon, famous gay singer of campy, silly music, in regards to other love-spreaders canceling concerts in the land of israel. this coming from a man who played at rush limbaugh's wedding. there he rubbed shoulders with karl rove, clarence thomas, sean hannity and george brett. curiously Rush is all the way on the far right (but not gangster enuff to be a fascist) but he doesnt mind gays

Rush - the thing about being morally opposed to homosexuality, I think that's an incorrect standard to apply to anybody, because I don't know too many people who think it's a choice. In some cases, where women have admitted it later on where they've chosen it after a life time of what have you, but it's rare. You can't say something that isn't a choice, uh attach moral and immoral to it.

2 hyppocrites, both of whom come out with ignorant opinions that generally irritate all normal people. Rush doesnt like blacks or immigrants or any kind of social consciousness, he lightens his tone for the gays and drug use bc he is down w/ both. ELton-JOn doesnt give a shit about Israel smushing out the palestinians, as long as he gets mad shekels. Bet he played at Sun City

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