America is a fine land. it doesnt seem like america has any high culture to speak of. the fields in which European nations excelled historically (and some asia ones) including philosophy, classical music, fine art, architecture, writing, other shit like that, we tend to not do quite so well. we have pretty damn good low culture versions of those pretentious pastimes. these include pop music, hollywood movies, a beautiful national freedom n whatnot creation myth, which many newspaper columnists and lohud commentators believe. not sure what else we have done. does america have anyone as cool as nietzsche? maradona? what do we have? who is an emminent american in their field (the world over) probably some kind of scientist (not rlly interested in that, not tangible, feel like its probably not that hard to devise new electronics n whatnot if are a mechanically minded person) America used to be better. We had gangster powerful statesmen like Lincoln. the wild west. no standing military. no social services. no income tax. even after all that shit went away we were still killing it. people used to work less, make more, and (maybe?) be happier. maybe life then was more simple, without cable news, bank things, and all of the pressures of the modern world. maybe a country where nepotism runs the whole show is not so great. America's de facto Aristocracy is not some easily identified industrial or political family. it is simply every rich person, whose children grow up with every opportunity handed to them. not that any country is a meritocracy, but by sheer virtue of America's size it means the global impact of spoiled rich kids is huge. by oppportunity one refers to understanding of white-collar/upper class world, and access to it. most people dont even know any financiers, much less have one be a golf buddy of u daddy n give u mad internship (example) u are basically born into your life station. hardly anyone seems to move too high up social/economic ladder. as far as going down the ladder-> no one ever does.
people in entertainment/sports dont count. only like michael jackson, tom cruise, and the owners of sports teams ever manage to keep enough of the money they make to set their kids up.
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