Sunday, October 2, 2011
caring is uncool
lately over on the facebook i have been seeing alot of my friends writing shit like "those occupy wall st protesters are mad dumb, im mad smart because i have a business degree". It seems as though in the current climate, for some reason it is uncool to give a shit. anyone who expresses an opinion about unfairness or fucked-upedness in economics or politics is laughed at. everyone is too busy checking out dubstep remixes or jogging or some shit. i dont even know. it just doesnt make sense to me, maybe most of my friends dont actually know any poor people. maybe they think the complaints of the occupy wall st protestors are uninformed or sophomoric. this is how they are being portrayed in the media. there was a ny times editorial that basically said they are confused and dont know anything. the problem is obviously that pretty much anything that appears in a mainstream media outlet is pushing an agenda supporting status quo. being the "paper of record" basically means that the ny times is a paid schill for whichever fascist currently sits in the whitehouse. you know what groups of people were really killing it under fascism? industrialists and bankers, the very same people currently shitting on everyone else in america. what i dont understand is why people from all across the economic spectrum think its fine to be an apologist for these pigs. there was a thing in the economist where they polled people and basically americans dont mind income disparity. by and large people dont think they should have more money relative to rich people. somehow you are supposed to feel bad about the MILLIONAIRES TAX. a million dollars is a FUCKING TON of money. shit after taxes i wonder if most people earn that in their lifetime. (i couldnt be bothered to actually do the math) the media has done such a good job convincing poor saps that they need rich people to stay stupid rich in order for them to get sloppy shitty handouts. people have been convinced that unions are bad. maybe if people are dumb enough to believe that shit they deserve all this. if you vote republican you deserve to be foreclosed on, and you should be in debt for your shitty college degree that wont get u a good job. I just dont understand why nobody seems to care. at least there is equal opportunity indifference and they didnt join the tea party.
Friday, August 5, 2011
remember when gorski used to write too?
whenever i listen to strawberry jam (Animalhoof 2007 jam) i am immediately flooded with feeling of drugmt induced mirth, hallucinations and apathy. Its awesome. Broadcast's Tender Buttons is a smoky melange of contemplative solitude, blanketing darkness, perpetual philosophical meandering, and now grief (RIP trish.. sorry i didnt write an mournful blog entry bout u, i was in ireland... this will have to do). WHen i hear brightblack morning light's s/t album, motion becomes meaningless and i am eternally subdued and amused by a foggy pot storm of complacent indifference. WHen i listen to panda bros tomboy... now available through the internetssss... i wonder how am i ever gonna warmly reflect on this ultra hip chillwave album if i dont have any money for drugs...
that was a good paragraph and it was all abotu shit i dont know anything about. whole different angle
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Baloney Meat Sandwiches. I first heard the expression "Going Ham" from the Pill song "Trap Goin Ham". It Predates the lame Jay Z and Kanye West song. in Trap goin ham he says somethign about "Balogna meat." I liked the expression very much, given how partial i am to balogna meat sandwiches of all varieties. Rick Ross once said something about crab meats, but i think baloney meats are more better. I have been in Rhinebeck with no one for company but three spoiled, misbehaving dogs. i crave balogna meat. i think tonight i am going to get some baloney. i cant fucking wait. tomorrow was going to be the worst day ever, but instead i am going to get baloney, mow some lawn, check out CCS and fuckkkng chiiillllll.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
for whom the bell tolls
the bell tolls for healy's corners.
softball is the best sport. it allows you to chill. softball is a sport you can play forever, you do not need to be in good shape or anything. it is mad fun, and i love it
softball is the best sport. it allows you to chill. softball is a sport you can play forever, you do not need to be in good shape or anything. it is mad fun, and i love it
Monday, July 18, 2011
HP 7 Part II:::AKA HP 8
I watched Harry Potter Part 8 last night. it was fukcing awesome. Voldemort really hammed it up. He pretty much turned as goofy and ridiculous as a bond villain by the end. there were lots of times where i was like use your fucking magic harry. when the headress thign was on top of the chair pile and he starts climbing up it, i wanted to be like come on fool use a "knockdownthechairpile" spell. idk a few times he was running around and he would be like damn a metal gate whatever am i to do? fucking blast it with the gatefucking spell. the best was how harry was playing dead while voldemort was going on and on about shit then HP was like SUCK A FAT ONE I WAS ONLY PLAYING!!!! he bounded back to life and kicked voldemort's head in. i had completely forgotten the book. daniel radcliffe is hilarious he is a pretty bad actor. i loved the 19 yrs later bit. they stuffed a cushion under ron's shirt, and then you are supposed to believe emma watson looked a day over 22. it was BAAALLLLLLIN> i fucking love u emma watson. if u ever reading this emma watson i want to get married.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Yeah buddy
Am making blog post with the iPad. Drug dealers are the worst. If anyone performed at their job as bad as a drug dealer they would totally be fired. Fuxxx that shit imagine if John bobbin had all kinds of different attachments for his cut off dick. The shocker, fists anything
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
the dumnbest music
today on the radio i listened to the dumbest music
george thorogoood is retarded. all the songs sound the same. the lyrics are really duuummmb this shit is like southern rap
these lyrics are fucking real its like bob dylan
I'm Dynamite (oi oi oi)
And I'll win the fight (oi oi oi)
I'm a power-load (oi oi oi)
Watch me explode
george thorogoood is retarded. all the songs sound the same. the lyrics are really duuummmb this shit is like southern rap
these lyrics are fucking real its like bob dylan
I'm Dynamite (oi oi oi)
And I'll win the fight (oi oi oi)
I'm a power-load (oi oi oi)
Watch me explode
Sunday, June 5, 2011
cops and referees
I fucking hate referees. i have encountered like maybe one or two decent ones in my whole life (this only pertains to soccer) the kind of people who ref instead of playing are always the biggest douches. they have a smug self satisfaction and are clearly overpaid. usually they don't know the rules, can't tell the difference between a legit foul and a dive, are stupid, fat, in the way of play, and unbelievably self confident. it's funny how the least competent people are the most sure of their abilities. to be fair reffing a a team of mexicans from newburgh is never going to be easy, but still. this is why i feel not the least bit bad about abusing the referee for the entire game, whether i be a spectator or a player. after the game i make sure to tell the ref that he/she has done a horrible job and whatever they are being paid is too much.
IN the same way that i hate refs i also hate cops. they are basicly the same. cops are the dickheads fucking up the game of life. i want life to be a casual pick-up game. unfortunately the man and his army of referees (police) make it into a fucking cup final every day. cops are like referees in their misguided sense of self righteousness and competency. The reaaaalllly stupid and unfunny cop one-liners and little jokes they make at the expense of whoever they are fucking with are terrible. if you really want to know how dumb pigs are listen to their conversations when they are off duty in the bar. they are like mental retards let loose with guns. it must be the first thing they look for when you enter the police academy; IQ under 100? make a great cop. in all honesty i have never encountered a chill cop on duty. i have only ever gotten shit from them and had to endure mind numbing lectures and other shit. like don't lecture me pig i am literally twice as smart as you. maybe there are chill cops, i just havent ever encountered one.
this is typical cop behavior: stupid, belligerent, lazy (via retarded little car), fat, can't stop talking.
IN the same way that i hate refs i also hate cops. they are basicly the same. cops are the dickheads fucking up the game of life. i want life to be a casual pick-up game. unfortunately the man and his army of referees (police) make it into a fucking cup final every day. cops are like referees in their misguided sense of self righteousness and competency. The reaaaalllly stupid and unfunny cop one-liners and little jokes they make at the expense of whoever they are fucking with are terrible. if you really want to know how dumb pigs are listen to their conversations when they are off duty in the bar. they are like mental retards let loose with guns. it must be the first thing they look for when you enter the police academy; IQ under 100? make a great cop. in all honesty i have never encountered a chill cop on duty. i have only ever gotten shit from them and had to endure mind numbing lectures and other shit. like don't lecture me pig i am literally twice as smart as you. maybe there are chill cops, i just havent ever encountered one.
this is typical cop behavior: stupid, belligerent, lazy (via retarded little car), fat, can't stop talking.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
HOLD on a sec fooooll ... but btw...
this is hot fire, mostly cuz of ma boy willem dafriend killin it
think what they are trying to say is... when u go to nyc to chill wit ur homies and be mad hip, drink jim beam or some even cheaper whiskey so that u can save some bills and open up a bar in detroit... smart moves
think what they are trying to say is... when u go to nyc to chill wit ur homies and be mad hip, drink jim beam or some even cheaper whiskey so that u can save some bills and open up a bar in detroit... smart moves
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Evan, you need to check your boy
im waiting to really get down to business but so much ammunition has been provided that i believe the time is nigh to really clown on a clown. a real clown. going to get a clowning.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
I'm not really qualified to write about art, having been a history major in college, but i did take a few art history classes, and take a small interest in the arts, especially when my friends have made them. not so much music though, solo los arts visual. neways i checked out adams film show, which felt more like being in a aquarium, which was a vibe i rlly liked (instead of a film senior project that is a movie screening as many others are). i love aquariums (no troy mcclure) boats and shit. photo show. that was fun too.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
osama bin laden: shot in bed
i dont really like all the cheering after osama bin laden died. it reminds me of some shit they would do in one of the ignorant third world countries that hate america. cheering on 9/11. this is the same kind of dumb. this kind of makes america look bad, and is the most see-through kind of blatant jingoistic pandering. funny from a man who promised "hope" and "change". not to mention that the whole story sounds suspect as shit. since when did they bother with islamic funeral tradition for the thousands of other muslims killed in the war on terror.
this video is great. i like how all the conspiracy theories (all of which i believe in) were worked into the one video. i just saw natural born killers, i thought it was heavy handed message about violence in the media or some shit, but still good, then i saw all the bin laden shit, and maybe thats sort of how things are.
this video is great. i like how all the conspiracy theories (all of which i believe in) were worked into the one video. i just saw natural born killers, i thought it was heavy handed message about violence in the media or some shit, but still good, then i saw all the bin laden shit, and maybe thats sort of how things are.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
aint nothin to it but to do it. nothin but a peanut
everybody wants to be a body builder, dont nobody want to lift this heavy ass weight, ill do it tho.
everybody wants to be a body builder, dont nobody want to lift this heavy ass weight, ill do it tho.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Saki and Sake = Bougie and Boozy
"The great galleon lay in semi-retirement under the sand and weed and water of the northern bay where the fortune of war and weather had long ago ensconced it. Three and a quarter centuries had passed since the day when it had taken the high seas as an important unit of a fighting squadron - precisely which squadron the learned were not agreed. The galleon had brought nothing into the world, but it had, according to tradition and report, taken much out of it. But how much? "
^ sick prose
and like the ship that this speaks of, saki's writing also laid hidden waiting to be uncoverd by me. He was a brit with sarcasm, smooth style, a taste for decadence and disdain for a society that scorned his "lifestyle choices". Totes like me!... cept his lifestyle choices were to be oscar wylin (wit dudes) and mine are to just wyle out on partyin. But was Saki [H. H. (Hector Hugh... gots to steal that name) Munro] a mindset predecessor???... for sure.

his satirical wit and casual humor is def worthy of envy.
And fortunately this website makes his style accessible for quick consumption at all times (almost like a blog from 100 years ago)
pretty sick if u dont have no money for books and cable and stuff...
but then again if ur cool like me u read first editions.
btws ... how can u not appreciate a dude that cherishes the drinkin of green chartreuse
"Personally, I can't see where the difficulty in choosing suitable presents lies. No boy who had brought himself up properly could fail to appreciate one of those decorative bottles of liqueurs that are so reverently staged in Morel's window--and it wouldn't in the least matter if one did get duplicates. And there would always be the supreme moment of dreadful uncertainty whether it was creme de menthe or Chartreuse--like the expectant thrill on seeing your partner's hand turned up at bridge. People may say what they like about the decay of Christianity; the religious system that produced green Chartreuse can never really die. "
^ sick prose
and like the ship that this speaks of, saki's writing also laid hidden waiting to be uncoverd by me. He was a brit with sarcasm, smooth style, a taste for decadence and disdain for a society that scorned his "lifestyle choices". Totes like me!... cept his lifestyle choices were to be oscar wylin (wit dudes) and mine are to just wyle out on partyin. But was Saki [H. H. (Hector Hugh... gots to steal that name) Munro] a mindset predecessor???... for sure.
his satirical wit and casual humor is def worthy of envy.
And fortunately this website makes his style accessible for quick consumption at all times (almost like a blog from 100 years ago)
pretty sick if u dont have no money for books and cable and stuff...
but then again if ur cool like me u read first editions.
btws ... how can u not appreciate a dude that cherishes the drinkin of green chartreuse
"Personally, I can't see where the difficulty in choosing suitable presents lies. No boy who had brought himself up properly could fail to appreciate one of those decorative bottles of liqueurs that are so reverently staged in Morel's window--and it wouldn't in the least matter if one did get duplicates. And there would always be the supreme moment of dreadful uncertainty whether it was creme de menthe or Chartreuse--like the expectant thrill on seeing your partner's hand turned up at bridge. People may say what they like about the decay of Christianity; the religious system that produced green Chartreuse can never really die. "
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
zack galifinwackis
zack galifinakis i do not find funny. he always seems like he is trying too hard. often movies and stuff have dumb shit that you are required to suspend disbelief for. in true blood the guy who turns into a dog, what if he were to impregnate a dog. would the offspring become a dog? or maybe a dog that could turn into a person. if he turns into a dog but is still thinking like a human, would his half dog child maybe turn into a person that was as dumb as a dog? he would transform into a naked, slobbering stupid human. he would just eat dog food and pant.

how crazy is the celtics-knicks game tho
how crazy is the celtics-knicks game tho
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
MEmoRies pt. II
Sometimes i wonder how many meaningful experiences I have. for years now every day has gone on to the next and every week on to the next. It always surprises me how quickly a month goes by. shit every week is a blur. what have i done in all this time? I often have a feeling that I don't have enough time to take care of all the shit I want/need to do. this isn't true, but it is how i feel.
After the last few years all i have is some stories about drinking. I feel like kenny powers, except as a washed up student not baseball player. I think that stories about drinking are all that many people have to show for themselves. well some people have a future and other things. they are herbs. people who have their shit together are probably herbs. )DEFNINITELY HERBS)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
boards (of canada for u noobs) have an ep/mad early release titled that and when i was but a wee youth listening to it i wondered if the relaxin ambient thrills and chills that rushed through my body were akin to actual acid memories. Daydreamin about drugs is kinda weird when ur but a tyke, but totally worth it. Drugs are awesome. I just awoke from a dream in whcih i was trippin on acid. My brain remmebred the effect so perfectly that i was able to enjoy all the sublime characteristics of trippin includin... openness, social unawareness/kinda awkwardness, entertaining hallucinations, heightened sense of touch, artistic genius, displaced feeling of being... and many other fantastic sensations.
its kinda like this for all u nooby druggy bros

whenever i listen to strawberry jam (Animalhoof 2007 jam) i am immediately flooded with feeling of drugmt induced mirth, hallucinations and apathy. Its awesome. Broadcast's Tender Buttons is a smoky melange of contemplative solitude, blanketing darkness, perpetual philosophical meandering, and now grief (RIP trish.. sorry i didnt write an mournful blog entry bout u, i was in ireland... this will have to do). WHen i hear brightblack morning light's s/t album, motion becomes meaningless and i am eternally subdued and amused by a foggy pot storm of complacent indifference. WHen i listen to panda bros tomboy... now available through the internetssss... i wonder how am i ever gonna warmly reflect on this ultra hip chillwave album if i dont have any money for drugs...

(more acid gifs... sooo gooooood wooooo)
its kinda like this for all u nooby druggy bros
whenever i listen to strawberry jam (Animalhoof 2007 jam) i am immediately flooded with feeling of drugmt induced mirth, hallucinations and apathy. Its awesome. Broadcast's Tender Buttons is a smoky melange of contemplative solitude, blanketing darkness, perpetual philosophical meandering, and now grief (RIP trish.. sorry i didnt write an mournful blog entry bout u, i was in ireland... this will have to do). WHen i hear brightblack morning light's s/t album, motion becomes meaningless and i am eternally subdued and amused by a foggy pot storm of complacent indifference. WHen i listen to panda bros tomboy... now available through the internetssss... i wonder how am i ever gonna warmly reflect on this ultra hip chillwave album if i dont have any money for drugs...
(more acid gifs... sooo gooooood wooooo)
Friday, April 8, 2011
2 balls one cup
REMEMEBR THAT BRO!!! lolz "to be better than someone is to be worse than all" lolz. when u get beat by 2 noobs at beer pong how does it feel???
Thursday, April 7, 2011
damn it how he nicks 'em!
the fed loved this cartoon, a staple of high school social studies DBQ questions.
The Fed is a mindset predecessor in the same mold as MIchael Roberts, Byron Crawford,
Monday, April 4, 2011
wrongly maligned barry bonds
barry bonds gets punished for being too good. it is true. he might not have even done steroids, he never admitted it or tested positive. what is known is that he is actually one of the best hitters ever. he gets no cred because he is unapologetically good. he wont bow down to the bob costas whiteboy fandom, or the bro shit over at espn. he doesnt give a shit. barry bonds grew up with money and fame, he isnt humble or appreciative. basically he was born rich, is a phenomenal athlete and that's that. why should he put on some kind of humility act? some athletes are arrogant (tiger, cristano ronaldo, kobe, lebron) but make very halfhearted attempts at presenting some kind of relatable facade. these halfhearted attempts please the sports media and usually they present these athletes in a positive light, paving the way for endorsements and whatnot. barry bonds does not give a FUCKKKK.
the government is clearly riddled with waste. how, when we run a deficit every year can they afford to prosecute barry bonds. every person taking part in the prosecution's case should be tried for treason. they are bankrupting this country and slandering a great american.
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talking to his lawyer |
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this guy is prosecuting barry bonds. he is an asshole. |
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greg anderson is tough, he goes to jail instead of testifying |
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this slut used to bone barry bonds, now she is testifying against him |
the government is clearly riddled with waste. how, when we run a deficit every year can they afford to prosecute barry bonds. every person taking part in the prosecution's case should be tried for treason. they are bankrupting this country and slandering a great american.
Friday, April 1, 2011
laziness as an evolutionary trait
thats the troof btws. If u didnt know, u shoudl realize cuz the world would be better off if everyone jsut decided to relax a little & work a little less (thus allowing others to get some work and hang outs wit them all). If we develop a trait of laziness that becomes dominant in the massive gene pool then we will be able to slow down population growth and not having to kill peeps off thereby maintain some unsustainable resources, and b more easily satisfied with our banal existences. all we gotta do is b lazy and not do stuff so much (like driving and eating and procreating and businessing and sporting and other such energy expending tasks).

When im not being lazy i gotta go to some auction house and work for free and shit cuz im dumb. The other day while we were sellin mad books and shit, i had to watch over our stash and some dood came up and wanted to see the jfk material (shoutout to my wylin boss who gots an interview on channel 6 bout that shit yesterday, woooo!?!?!). Dood would not stop ravin about how depressin it was that two guys got killed for no reason (jfk and oswald). I indulged his ramblings and let him verbally jizz in my ear for about an hour on how the cias a bitch and all, because well u gots to entertain the customer i guess. But anyways the whole time i couldnt help but think, whats this dood trying to achieve by buying all of jfks pens and shit. Like is he making a shrine where he can reincarnate the guy and he can save us from the evil obamicator? i dont knows i feel liek with all the time this dood has spent on conspiracy theorizing hes got to have realized that all those politic shits are just distractions in order to make us public feel connected, therefore the best use of his money would be to rebel/ buy drugs/ get completely disconnected from everything.

btws not advocating doing drugs, stuffs mad bads for u! ( just fake it and piss off ur fam and the law)
When im not being lazy i gotta go to some auction house and work for free and shit cuz im dumb. The other day while we were sellin mad books and shit, i had to watch over our stash and some dood came up and wanted to see the jfk material (shoutout to my wylin boss who gots an interview on channel 6 bout that shit yesterday, woooo!?!?!). Dood would not stop ravin about how depressin it was that two guys got killed for no reason (jfk and oswald). I indulged his ramblings and let him verbally jizz in my ear for about an hour on how the cias a bitch and all, because well u gots to entertain the customer i guess. But anyways the whole time i couldnt help but think, whats this dood trying to achieve by buying all of jfks pens and shit. Like is he making a shrine where he can reincarnate the guy and he can save us from the evil obamicator? i dont knows i feel liek with all the time this dood has spent on conspiracy theorizing hes got to have realized that all those politic shits are just distractions in order to make us public feel connected, therefore the best use of his money would be to rebel/ buy drugs/ get completely disconnected from everything.

btws not advocating doing drugs, stuffs mad bads for u! ( just fake it and piss off ur fam and the law)
10.0 and beyond.
i bet pitchforxxx (tm) want to take back their my beautiful dark twisted self indulgent lyrically weak over hyped fantasy review. it could be the quickest about face ever. surely now people realize it was all about the hyyype. some kind of old rappers said dont believe the hype. everyone did. kanye west, always seeking artisitc relevance probabl jizzed himself about the pitchfork review. shit he full on went for a good alt review when it came to this album. mashing up the rappers with ironic/not ironic hip appeal (ross, pusha, etc. ) with his patented major label hype machine loudly proclaiming the genius of his production. hmmmmm. i love kanye west sometimes. when he called goerige bush out for not liking alt ppl. but my kardashian fanstassy was a bit too much. he now believes his own hype. because he is rich and successful, no rapper will ever come out with a diss track. thats how it works. i wish jay z had to becoem ja rule when nas, prodigy and camron were hating on him. FACT nas, prodigy and camron are better than jay-z.
soccer, work and the claddagh
MAAAANNn, i went went out last weekend for the first time in a minute. i had mad fun. didnt get so f-ed the f up that i had a hangOVER. i was just CHILLING> nah mean . thikning about starting a tumbler. i think it is like a blog that is image focused. i think you get alot of hits if you focus on one specific kind of naked/half naked woman picture. (aka cleagave, or u know shit like that) typing is bullshit. i fucking hate it. all of my communicatons i want to have in person or on phone. i also hate phone. i caneled my cell phone planm. if ur my fwend u can call my house phone. or we can do google instant messanger. f- yeah!. srsly tho. i am over all of the texty. no mas texty for me. i had 2 beers at work then 6 in the bar, thursday is hardcore. LULSSSS.
ODD FUTuRE [byrd] gang of juggleohs can't hang w/ YO's finest./ i
ODD FUTuRE [byrd] gang of juggleohs can't hang w/ YO's finest./ i
Friday, March 25, 2011
How Much Oil is 1 stick butter?
trying to make baloney brownies is hard stuff. u have to do so much thinking and shit, using the internet. how many sticks of butter is half a cup of butter? then how much baloney goes in per butter stick. or 1/3 oil cups? gaawwwd, who can rlly figure all that out?
alex jones is bfflzz w/ charlie sheen.
alex jones is bfflzz w/ charlie sheen.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Why doesn't anyone feel bad for gaddafi? He's just a guy who has a country, and now some asshole have tried to fuck up his country. i have respect for qaddafi. the other fuckers in egypt, tunisia, etc. just rolled over and gave in to a few douschebag college kids in a public park. qaddafi thought about his options, realized that he would not be bested by some twitter and fucking turned on the fire hoses. now everyone is tight like "qaddafi is fighting the rebels" as if any government would allow some douschbags to try and overthrow it violently, without some manner of fight.
You can tell that gadafi isnt probably as bad as he is made out to be, because of how hard certain publications and media outlets call for his removal. the biases of the US media are so evident, that when they espouse one opinion, you can be certain the other is true.
Gaddafi's greatest crime is that he is a crook enriching himself at the expense of his constituents. this makes him as bad as every single other politician in the entire world.
Gaddafi wears outrageous clothing, however other publications have already addressed this.
substitute gaddafi for britney in his monologue. it is basically the same thing.
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You can tell that gadafi isnt probably as bad as he is made out to be, because of how hard certain publications and media outlets call for his removal. the biases of the US media are so evident, that when they espouse one opinion, you can be certain the other is true.
Gaddafi's greatest crime is that he is a crook enriching himself at the expense of his constituents. this makes him as bad as every single other politician in the entire world.
Gaddafi wears outrageous clothing, however other publications have already addressed this.
substitute gaddafi for britney in his monologue. it is basically the same thing.
Monday, March 21, 2011
another game show post
... wouldnt that be depressin if it were true. If the only things i payed attention to/cared about were game shows during a period of time when all humans should be mourning. I think one could argue that the japanese have evolved to a state surpassing mortal man, such that we should treat them as even more sacred than Americans. I mean i wouldnt cuz thatd be mad racist or soemthin... so instead im gonna discuss game shows.
and my personal pleasures and disgusts.
was watchin that show that use to have that old orange guy and now has that guy that use to be fat... oh yeah, price is right, and was surprised to realize that there were no old people. Concerning for a variety of reasons. 1 - are old people dying, well yeah duh, but like is some soylent green shit goin down, are we killin off the old peeps and processing them into a bountiful food source for all of us more important less ugly young people? 2 - are kids buyin all the tickets online before the old people figure out that their comp aint brok3 its just got a screen saver. 3 - are kids so bored and out of works that they think they can just furnish their new bk apt. by wildin out on price is right. 4 - not really related but have u seen bob barker on that car insurance commercial, i think hes dead, really only a taxidermist could make a human look so much like a plastic orange howler monkey. (would be kinda cool if he turned into a crazy cool monkey before/after death as a real rebellious act of defiance for animal rights)

in reality kinda concerned about kids these days, all lazy and boring and shit, they should get jobs... nah fuck that, thats almost as bad as tellin em to go to college. What they really need to get are some personalities, interests, maybe opinions...

i like it
i really like it

i really really like it

i dislike it

i really dislike it

I realy really dislike it
and my personal pleasures and disgusts.
was watchin that show that use to have that old orange guy and now has that guy that use to be fat... oh yeah, price is right, and was surprised to realize that there were no old people. Concerning for a variety of reasons. 1 - are old people dying, well yeah duh, but like is some soylent green shit goin down, are we killin off the old peeps and processing them into a bountiful food source for all of us more important less ugly young people? 2 - are kids buyin all the tickets online before the old people figure out that their comp aint brok3 its just got a screen saver. 3 - are kids so bored and out of works that they think they can just furnish their new bk apt. by wildin out on price is right. 4 - not really related but have u seen bob barker on that car insurance commercial, i think hes dead, really only a taxidermist could make a human look so much like a plastic orange howler monkey. (would be kinda cool if he turned into a crazy cool monkey before/after death as a real rebellious act of defiance for animal rights)
in reality kinda concerned about kids these days, all lazy and boring and shit, they should get jobs... nah fuck that, thats almost as bad as tellin em to go to college. What they really need to get are some personalities, interests, maybe opinions...
i like it
i really like it
i really really like it
i dislike it
i really dislike it
I realy really dislike it
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Jeopardy meets JuGgALos
Could u really ever imagine such a thing? Jeopardy tends to separate itself from the more deplorable parts of society. BUt tonite in a double jeopardy 2000 dollar clown-themed question. they asked the name of the band (with identifying picture) whose followers were known as juggalos.
A stupefying question for sure... but perhaps most shocking about it was that the dude in the lead (who is a boss and has been while maintaining an impressive amount of confidence and composure) said with a grimace... insane clown posse...
dude was sooo disappointed in jeopardy and so disappointed that he just revealed to the world that he knew who icp and the juggalos were.
Think it had to be some practical joke the writers of jeopardy were playing on they who think they are gods.
I mean what self-respecting show would really want to have an image of these fools (in the truest sense of the word) displayed on their program

shaggy 2 dope & Violent J (note: i do not know their names, carlos who majors in horticulture and chills wit hicks all day knows their names)
A stupefying question for sure... but perhaps most shocking about it was that the dude in the lead (who is a boss and has been while maintaining an impressive amount of confidence and composure) said with a grimace... insane clown posse...
dude was sooo disappointed in jeopardy and so disappointed that he just revealed to the world that he knew who icp and the juggalos were.
Think it had to be some practical joke the writers of jeopardy were playing on they who think they are gods.
I mean what self-respecting show would really want to have an image of these fools (in the truest sense of the word) displayed on their program
shaggy 2 dope & Violent J (note: i do not know their names, carlos who majors in horticulture and chills wit hicks all day knows their names)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
aint no fun if the homies cant get none (or you are dead)
Nate Dogg died, which came as no surprise to me, because i had heard he was all fucked up and sickly and on the verge of death like 2 yrs ago. this just follows the general theme of the rap music world right now. if someone really hates themself they should listen to cipha sounds and rosenberg on hot 97. they are complete shit. occasionally one of those 2 can be funny, but they have this awful girl sidekick called k. foxx. she exists just to toe the music industry line. she never has a negative word about any new music, she is just like a black miss info. miss info is the worst. sure she has all kinds of exclusives probably from s-ing on the collective dicks of the dipsets ad nauseum for yrs. she is supposed to be some kind of journalist, yet she comes off as a shit cheerleader for major label rap music. then if someone does something bad like beat up rihanna then she has some trite moralism in keeping with general lamestream sensibilities. and nate dogg died but the morning show couldn't even play a whole song (they should have only played his songs) they played like a shitty 30 second medley. and rosenberg goes [awkwardly] "he had so many good songs", or some shit like that. i suppose drake and nicki minaj's overlords pay the radio station to play their songs, bedamned if a seminal rap figure died. does being on the radio/ a blogger make you a "journalist"? are journalists held to any kind of standards? if they desperately seek exclusive songs and whatnot, in return for non-stop glowing press about said songs are they just a piece of shit responsible for how bad music is?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
so you wanna be hardcore
with your hat to the back talking bout the gats in your raps.
today 14 yrs ago the greatest rapper (and most likely songwriter) in the history of pop music died. RIP to the late, great christopher wallace
today 14 yrs ago the greatest rapper (and most likely songwriter) in the history of pop music died. RIP to the late, great christopher wallace
Defamation of the Last True Artform
I should take it for granted that every livign being has seen the benny benassi video. It is the first thing on utube after typing in satisfaction and has over 4.3 million views. Due to its popularity the four women: Jerri Byrne, Thekla Roth, Natasha Mealey and Lena Frank have become households names. The video is as iconic as Warhol's marilyn monroes, not to mention as equally bright and sexy/stylish.
But just in case u forgot hear it is:
and its sexy sister:
After being sent the granny version of Satisfaction today by an incredibly tech savvy artist of incomparable talents, i watched the video and was aghast. I felt like coolio after Weird Al ruined his career.
Sexy women videos have been around since the origin of filmmaking. If one wants to capture something beautiful, the best choice is inevitably the most beautiful thing in existence, the female form. Artists spend years upon years contemplating the female body in order to undestand its perfection. So when one crew of cinematographer, director, makeup artist, costumer, lightng tech, and choreographer devise a way to display the female form on video in a state of beauty never captured before, it is nothing less than earthshattering. It is a piece to contemplate and cherish for many years, until its brilliance is undercut by utter blasphemy. Aging is not something to take lightly, it is the sorry plight that will constantly bring every man closer to death and away from the virility of youth. The human body ages like a flower withers, which undeniably is a generic symbol of grief, sadness, loneliness and death. The wonderful things that satisfaction once symbolized are now forgotten amidst foolishly naive comedic efforts that are in fact devastating reminders of the mortality of humanity and that death lingers.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I Like IT!
luvz it when i get nagged at (pseudo intervention) for smelling like booze at my cousins birthday party...
ssoooo sickkkk
moms are sooo effin chill
ssoooo sickkkk
moms are sooo effin chill
Friday, March 4, 2011
i got u alexis dziena
i believe the awesomeness of this movie was already discussed with loads of enthusiasm
but looking at this shot reminds me of the subtlety brilliant cinematography in the film... perhaps though a little more effort could be put into the costumes...
alexis def could benefit from a little bit of this
Thursday, March 3, 2011
the left lane is for passing
usually when i am driving to work shit is fine, but in the afternoon, all of the old people and other kinds of people who should not be allowed to drive, come out to make my drive home shitty. like when a road goes from 2 lanes to 1, some asshole guns it out of the light, then once you are stuck behind him he slows right down to 45 in 55. At that point i lose all control, and start praying (out loud) that said asshole will be stricken with a sudden, and fatal, physical ailment (heart attack, stroke, etc.) that will cause them to drive off the road, and allow me to go round them. i also hate traffic at rush hour, when it is for shit like the mall. ok im coming home from work, but you decided to go to the mall at 4.30. i hate u. usually i want to go home and shit, every moment's delay is angering me worse. people who drive slowly in the left lane should be publicly executed. the left lane is the PASSING LANE. you use it to pass. not to drive along reaalllly fucking slowly in your old piece of shit car. who doesnt know that? didnt we all take the same road test? do you love being in the car? i fucking hate being in the car. i view all time spent driving as wasted. therefore i try not to spend too much time in the car, even though i do around an hour and a half every day.

why is everyone passing me? im so confused? why am i not dead yet?
why is everyone passing me? im so confused? why am i not dead yet?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Im not bipolar... im biwinning!!!
i know this shit just got played out real quick but just a note of interest. sheen saying hes biwinning is obvi analogous to mel gibson saying he can stop whenever he wants. Dont wanna really post any video just really like the term biwinning and probs gonna use it in the future.
for instance
some asshole at a party - "dude, whats ur problem??? why u knock over the beer pong table, u just fuckin lost and we only have 20 cups, other people get to play too, fucker."
me being awesome - "what... ??? lost... I didnt lose, im fuckin biwinning"
(kinda sounds like im callin myself a winning bisexual... maybs dont wanna use that term all that much)
*other note of irritation: reading up on my wikipedia today and learning about american modernism and elitist intellectuals and stuff. Cant believe we allow intellectuals to succeed in living off of such cheap scams. Asian american artist spends 13 years doing his final piece of performance art, in which he claims he will be creating art every day but not showing anyone. At the end of it when asked what he made - he said his work was surviving.
truthfully, kinda like chris burden, but really... who's more biwinning, the guy who nailed himself to a VW for art or a ranting charlie sheen?

i gots to start being an elitist intellectual so i can write goofy prose about abstract artsy and philosophical topics that are so tentious that normal people are forced to buy them just so their friends might think theyre smart
also could get cute librarian bookish type school girl chick or artsy spacey bohemian city chick cuz im being so professorial and academic and shit, that might be sweet
for instance
some asshole at a party - "dude, whats ur problem??? why u knock over the beer pong table, u just fuckin lost and we only have 20 cups, other people get to play too, fucker."
me being awesome - "what... ??? lost... I didnt lose, im fuckin biwinning"
(kinda sounds like im callin myself a winning bisexual... maybs dont wanna use that term all that much)
*other note of irritation: reading up on my wikipedia today and learning about american modernism and elitist intellectuals and stuff. Cant believe we allow intellectuals to succeed in living off of such cheap scams. Asian american artist spends 13 years doing his final piece of performance art, in which he claims he will be creating art every day but not showing anyone. At the end of it when asked what he made - he said his work was surviving.
truthfully, kinda like chris burden, but really... who's more biwinning, the guy who nailed himself to a VW for art or a ranting charlie sheen?
i gots to start being an elitist intellectual so i can write goofy prose about abstract artsy and philosophical topics that are so tentious that normal people are forced to buy them just so their friends might think theyre smart
also could get cute librarian bookish type school girl chick or artsy spacey bohemian city chick cuz im being so professorial and academic and shit, that might be sweet
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Odd future clown posse:::::::: this is from byron crawford for xxl, but it was taken down from xxl's website so i found it on google cache.
What if a group came along that was obviously a black variation on Insane Clown Posse, but no one seemed to notice or give a shit, because they were black, and because no one (who has a computer) knows enough about juggalos to say for certain whether or not someone actually is a juggalo, and because they’ve been championed by people who see themselves as being above listening to juggalo music. It looks like this is what’s happening with Odd Future.
Odd Future has been the talk of the hip-hop Internets for the past couple of weeks, especially amongst people who are constantly trying to figure out the next big thing and attach themselves to it, regardless of what it is. No shots at the late, great Combat Jack. Oddly enough (no pun intended), they didn’t merit inclusion on the cover of this year’s Freshmen Issue, the hilarious cover of which was revealed yesterday, even though it’s a well known fact that Odd Future is secretly signed to Interscope, one of the main
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pipelines to the cover of the Freshmen Issue and to the cover of XXL in general. I wonder if this was a mere matter of rank ineptitude by my benefactors at the dead tree version of XXL, like that time they included OJ da Juice Man (ayyyy) in the Freshman 10, despite the fact that he’d already been on the cover a few months prior(?!), and Wacka Flocka Flame ended up being the breakout star amongst Gucci Mane weed carriers, or if the TIs at Interscope didn’t want Odd Future on the cover of this issue, for whatever reason. They might not see people who read XXL – illiterate children, people in prison, men who like women of jurassic proportions (short arms and everything) – as being the primary demographic for Odd Future.
Odd Future made their big television debut the other day on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, or whatever it was called, and man was it the talk of the Internets. I can only imagine what it was like at the time on Black People Twitter. It must have been as obnoxious as when everyone all of a sudden starts talking about sports. Remember that time, a few years ago, when BET held some sort of awards show, and all of these ultra-obscure black entertainers (I’m talking Keith Sweat obscure) started trending, and white went all batshit? Up until that point, no one had been aware that Twitter is mostly used by black people, because black people tend to go on there at night, while people who work for a living are asleep. In the morning, there might be some weird shit like #uainthittingitright in the trending topics, but it’d be gone by 10 AM. These days, there’s enough black people on Twitter to dominate at all hours of the day and night. But that’s not why I wasn’t there during Odd Future’s performance on Fallon. I was probably busy either working like a Hebrew slave, self-medicating or making the most of this Reality Kings password, which somehow still works – which I guess could be included under self-medicating, but I like to keep my pr0n consumption and my alcohol consumption separate, because it makes me feel like a more well-rounded individual.
I didn’t get a chance to check out their performance until the next day. I awoke from my drink and fap-induced coma at the ass crack of one in the afternoon or whatever (which has been a real problem for me lately), logged on to the Internets, and that’s all anyone wanted to talk about. Seemingly every blog there ever was posted the video. People were still talking about it on Black People Twitter 12+ hours after the fact – which is like a week later in Internets. They don’t even talk about people who died for 12 hours, unless they died at night, and people were asleep, and so they didn’t get to pretend as if they give a shit. You would think that this Odd Future appearance on Fallon was roughly the equivalent of a circa ’93 Biggie Smalls making his television debut on that show Jon Stewart used to have on MTV, or whatever was big back in 1993. Let’s just say Martin, since I remember Biggie Smalls was once on an episode of Martin, and since I see this site is running huge, ridonkulous banner ads for Martin reruns. #culturalrelevancefail I hightailed it to Pitchfork to check out this video, out of a sincere interest to see something that good, and because I’ve been meaning to check out Odd Future anyway, since I read something in the Village Voice about how every song they ever made has to do with rape. Not that I find that kind of thing amusing, but I need to see for myself, like when my grandfather would purposely drive past the ho stroll on our way to church, back during the crack era.
The song Odd Future did on Fallon could have been all about rape, but it’s hard to say, what with the guy trying to rap through a ski mask, and jumping around all over the place like the monkey exhibit at the St. Louis Zoo. It could have been a song about that Jodie Foster movie The Accused, for all I know. I’ll have to reserve judgment on Odd Future until if/when I get a chance to hear them rap while standing still. In the meantime, I’m more concerned with the fact that they seem to exhibit juggalo tendencies. This first occurred to me when I saw them perform the other day on Fallon, jumping up on the furniture, getting all up in people’s faces, yelling at the top their lungs, which struck me as a real dick move, like cornering someone and them spraying them down with Faygo root beer. It occurred to me that you could probably run down the entire litany of juggalo characteristics and find some sort of connection with Odd Future. Insane Clown Posse, for example, has its origin in ’90s-era horrocore rap. I’ve heard Odd Future’s music described as horrorcore. I heard one of them even ate a roach, in the video that started that hilarious beef between Noz and eskay on Twitter the other day. Insane Clown Posse performs in Kiss-style face paint. The guy from Odd Future wore a ski mask on Fallon the other day. Odd Future is said to be obsessed with rape. A group of juggalos famously tried to rape Tila Tequila at last year’s annual Gathering of the Juggalos. Insane Clown Posse’s fanbase consists primarily of guys who live in their mother’s basements. Noz should probably consider moving back in with his parents, if he’s out here soliciting for donations like Lil Kim, or Jean Grae, who was trying to get money via PayPal before it was all trendy. (I see you, boo.) In fact, Nozologist that I am (nullus), I seem to recall him trying to bone up on Insane Clown Posse a while, for the purposes of contrarianism I’m sure, but he probably couldn’t bring himself to go through with it, because their music hit a little too close to home.
If I’d heard any music from Insane Clown Posse and Odd Future, other than the hilarious “Miracles,” and whatever that was Odd Future did on Fallon, I’m sure I could come up with even more comparisons. Indeed, I think it’s been so difficult for the media to discuss anything having to do with juggalos, because no one with the sense god gave geese wants to spend the time it would take to seriously engage with their music. They got some press, around the time when “Miracles” blew up, but it was short-lived. (This may have coincided with Noz’s sudden, brief interest in them.) This became clear to me a few weeks ago, when that congresswoman got shot at a Subway down in Arizona. A few days later, I was reading this epic report in the New York Times, which really was one of the more impressive things they’ve ever done, right up there with that Times magazine piece on Chris Matthews, and it was so obvious to me that the kid they were describing was a juggalo, but the Times failed to draw the connection, either because none of the umpteen people who contributed reporting to the story know Jack Schitt about pop culture, or because they were wary about assigning blame for such a heinous crime, for legal reasons. At one point, one of the guys Jared Lee Loughner went to high school with even discussed how frustrated Loughner would get with trying to understand how magnets work. (No bullshit, you can look it up yourself.)
You really had to read between the lines to get at the essence of that story, which was that this kid was a juggalo, who had a hard time getting with women. Because he was a juggalo, natch. His juggalo antics caused him to get thrown out of school, at which point he became obsessed with congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, similar to Robert De Niro’s obsession with Cybill Shepherd (who could blame him?) in the movie Taxi Driver. Apparently, this kid Loughner had met the congresswoman once before, at a campaign event in which he tried to ask her a question, but he didn’t get much of a response, because she couldn’t understand what he was trying to say – obviously because he was tongue tied, because he was smitten. Then he wrote her a letter apologizing. What a sucker. Normally, this is the point at which he would attempt to kill someone else, to impress her. Like her husband, who’s an astronaut, and obviously kind of a douche. He claimed he spoke to her while she was in a coma, like the rapist in the film Talk to Her (spoiler alert), and she told him he needed to go back into space. In Taxi Driver, it was the senator Charles Palatine, whom Cybill Shepherd worked for. John Hinckley, Jr. tried and (sadly) failed to kill Ronald Reagan, in an attempt to impress the aforementioned Jodie Foster, inspired by Taxi Driver. (See, it’s all connected!)
The difference between a juggalo and a regular nutjob is that a juggalo won’t even bother trying to kill the powerful man who stands between himself and his object of desire, which, on a Freudian level, might actually convince a woman to have sex with you. (I don’t want to hear any objection from women on this, unless they’ve had any actual experience with it.) The juggalo has been too hard up for too long. The juggalo is the American equivalent of those Japanese guys who spend their entire lives locked in their bedrooms, collecting Hello Kitty merchandise and fapping to weird anime pr0n, which, wouldn’t you know, often includes depiction of rape. Or so I’ve been told. We laugh at those poor Japanese guys, because they’re genuinely hilarious and because we’d like to think that there isn’t an analog here in the US, via “xenophobia.” But obviously there is. The juggalo movement, which has been around at least since I was in high school (I’m dangerously close to 30, has never been such a prevalent force in our society. That song “Miracles” was as big a hit as anything, in an age when the likes of Cake (2011 Cake) and Nicki Minaj can top the Billboard 200. The Gathering of the Juggalos was all over the news this past summer, in part due to the attempted sexual assault on Tila Tequila. (I wonder how this assault compared in severity to the “brutal, sustained” sexual assault on Lara Logan. Which struck me as similar in nature. But that’s a topic for another discussion.) And to top it all off a juggalo just attempted to assassinate a US congresswoman. I shutter to think what’s next. This could be a hot summer. Women might want to think twice about attending this year’s Gathering of the Juggalos, unless they’re desperate fat women.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What is Radiohead
i dont think i could name a single radiohead song. i know they gave away the album on the internet a few years back. and HRO made fun of the new album. I dont think radiohead is the kind of music i like. Is radiohead a less laughable dave matthews? is radiohead popular with people who like to do drugs and shit? is radiohead down with rap music? is rap music down with radiohead? what do they sing about? are they a more alt version of coldplay?
Want people to enlighten me about radiohead.
Want people to enlighten me about radiohead.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The man is real. the man makes you get a job that makes someone else rich, and u bored. the man makes u go to school as a child instead of having fun/working in a coal mine. (it preps you for the coal mine of the rest of your lyfe) the man says you cant have a good time and drive your car. The man does all sorts of shit. encourages you to have a family and produce more work slave children. The man was identified a long time ago and i knew, but then i forgot, but now i rememebreed. The man is called Panopticon-man. he was first discovered by jeremy bentham in the 1800s. his "unequal gaze" withered everyone. Everyone felt his stare, feared his reprisal before it happened, and followed his rules. this was actually an idea for a crazy prison where everyone would hate themself and the man.

this is panopticon and the homeplace of the man.
Michel Foucault finished figuring it out. everything is related into one giant discipline system. school, hospital, prison, military, government, law, court. They combine to form the man. The man wants to make u work for him so him and his boys (the media, industry, facebook shit like that, credit cards, atms, nasa, the bank) can make u their lifestyle slave.

the man is the worst.
this is panopticon and the homeplace of the man.
Michel Foucault finished figuring it out. everything is related into one giant discipline system. school, hospital, prison, military, government, law, court. They combine to form the man. The man wants to make u work for him so him and his boys (the media, industry, facebook shit like that, credit cards, atms, nasa, the bank) can make u their lifestyle slave.
the man is the worst.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
licentious desires
so recently i realized clowning on fbook might be my favorite pasttime... ever. Thats a guilty pleasure, for sure. But ive also come to the point of feeling guilty bout havin an fbook account. Shits so dumb, full of people trying to promote their meme in the most unoriginal way possible. I think the only viable or worthwhile meme on such an obnoxious website is fbook saboteur ... or fbook dooschbag.
The site allows u to click a button and profess ur liking for something. Definitely restrained and meaningles as u cannot dislike or show to what degree u like something. If one likes everything they see not only do people get loads of irritating notifications about it, but the mechanics of liking slowly begin to crumble.
(this is just one tactic to easily confuse and irritate ur friends on fbook)
og fubook dooschbag

honestly kidna feel like this^ dude is like he who must not be named and the internets is our form of wizardy.
on a much more awesome note... had such a sexy model in figure drawing today. petite, tan, boyish haircut, great modest tities, clean cut vag, and soft delicate voice and demeanor... and i know all of this without even speaking to her.
Def makes me perverted and guilty. Kinda feel like i fell in love with a stripper or prostitot. Worse part, how u spose to approach a chick after uve just stared at her mad nudes for 2 hours... feel like its impossible to not come off as a perverted molestor type. Just want to tell her shes a great model with rockin bod. Just want toooo drawwwwwwwwwwww... more nude babes
(kinda like this)

The site allows u to click a button and profess ur liking for something. Definitely restrained and meaningles as u cannot dislike or show to what degree u like something. If one likes everything they see not only do people get loads of irritating notifications about it, but the mechanics of liking slowly begin to crumble.
(this is just one tactic to easily confuse and irritate ur friends on fbook)
og fubook dooschbag

honestly kidna feel like this^ dude is like he who must not be named and the internets is our form of wizardy.
on a much more awesome note... had such a sexy model in figure drawing today. petite, tan, boyish haircut, great modest tities, clean cut vag, and soft delicate voice and demeanor... and i know all of this without even speaking to her.
Def makes me perverted and guilty. Kinda feel like i fell in love with a stripper or prostitot. Worse part, how u spose to approach a chick after uve just stared at her mad nudes for 2 hours... feel like its impossible to not come off as a perverted molestor type. Just want to tell her shes a great model with rockin bod. Just want toooo drawwwwwwwwwwww... more nude babes
(kinda like this)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Big L is probably better than every rapper besides Biggie. As a statement of objective fact I think it is indisputable. Whenever someone kills it, then dies, they are, in a sense, lucky. everyone remembers them as beautiful and good. they are never old, pointless, just cashing in on their reputation. Rappers have a hard time fading away. it's much easier for them to just die, and their legacy is untainted by all of their lyrically weak old man cash-in songs (jay-z). or bloated concepts and bad production (nas) or irrelevency (all the rest of the old rappers who arent retired yet) Either way, Big L just made straight bangers, then he got shot when he was 24. Children of the Corn was such a sick idea. SOmetimes I imagine an alternate universe, where BIggie and Big L lived. SOuthern Rap stayed a regional thing with the odd novelty hit. 50 cent never made it. Jay Z stayed in the shadows. The new wave of pussy rappers like kanye and drake were forced to stay at their original jobs (producer and child actor). Fuck it BIg Pun lived too. there was nothing but good rap music. NIcki MInaj was a video ho and never yelled gibberish in funny voices(on a record). im so sad that everything went down the way it did. Everything bad started with all the good rappers dying. then came Bush, 9/11, all the wars, the shitty economy, Obama, etc. in my alternate universe all of that class music saved us from all of the bad shit.
There is a live version of the gang starr song full clip, with much big L RIPing, not just the one time from the regular one. today on the throwback at noon mr. cee played a half an hour of big L. it was diesel.
There is a live version of the gang starr song full clip, with much big L RIPing, not just the one time from the regular one. today on the throwback at noon mr. cee played a half an hour of big L. it was diesel.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
Today i went out for dinner for a family friend's birthday. She turned 96 today. isnt that very old? She was born before the start of WWI. forget about WWII. please.

in a way these pictures are appropriate for valentines day. indeed all relationships eventually boil down into a ceaseless puddle of hatred, which would be best fought out with poisonous gasses and primitive tanks. It's pretty played out to bitch about relationships and shit on valentines day, im not trying to hate on peoples happiness. sure i think it is annoying, but i dont really think everyone winds up hating each other and shit. only like 50% of marriages end in divorce, and how few boy/girlfriends(or whatever combo thereof) ever even make it to marriage? if you look at it that way not all relationships end in hatred and sadness, only like 90%.

heartbeats. Some guy walked into the restaurant on his own, drank a beer and left. it would have been odd regularly, but even odder on valentines day.
St. Valentine is 14 diff. valentine's all of whom were martyred as catholics in imperial rome.

there is one of their dome pieces.
whatever this is just a bump in the road to st. patrick's day.
in a way these pictures are appropriate for valentines day. indeed all relationships eventually boil down into a ceaseless puddle of hatred, which would be best fought out with poisonous gasses and primitive tanks. It's pretty played out to bitch about relationships and shit on valentines day, im not trying to hate on peoples happiness. sure i think it is annoying, but i dont really think everyone winds up hating each other and shit. only like 50% of marriages end in divorce, and how few boy/girlfriends(or whatever combo thereof) ever even make it to marriage? if you look at it that way not all relationships end in hatred and sadness, only like 90%.
heartbeats. Some guy walked into the restaurant on his own, drank a beer and left. it would have been odd regularly, but even odder on valentines day.
St. Valentine is 14 diff. valentine's all of whom were martyred as catholics in imperial rome.
there is one of their dome pieces.
whatever this is just a bump in the road to st. patrick's day.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
blood on your iphone
Apparently the poor chinamen/women who manufacture iphones and ipads dont rlly like their job that much. They live in a crazy work prison, where all of their activities are micromanaged by their bosses and they have no down time evar basically.

looks like fun. They dislike the work prison so much that they routinely kill themselves. Even though Apple is the favored technology manufacturer of the cultural elite, and seem to promote the idea that user-friendly interface=morally upstanding, Steve JObs has no real problem with the people making his neat little google machines dying for them. I am reminded of some kind of 19th century steel mill or something, where all the immigrant laborers worked 12 hour shifts, and in the end they all got burned or crushed to death or deformity. INstead of the work actually destroying the iphone maker's bodies, like it does in heavy industry, it destroys their minds. In fact he thinks the work prison is pretty much fine, because it has fast food available. So i guess the only conclusion to be reached is that iPhones/iPads are immoral. If people cared about human rights or worker's rights any of that shit they might not purchase these items. you know, enriching a few uptight twats a la steve jobs, while poor chinamen leap to their death off of a factory roof. (In a bid to lighten the conscience of iphone users, apple co. shill and avowed steve jobs dickriding publication wired magazine talked positively about the anti suicide nets installed at the factory, and the relatively low proportion of workers who killed themselves. Is wired to apple what vice is to american apparel?)
looks like fun. They dislike the work prison so much that they routinely kill themselves. Even though Apple is the favored technology manufacturer of the cultural elite, and seem to promote the idea that user-friendly interface=morally upstanding, Steve JObs has no real problem with the people making his neat little google machines dying for them. I am reminded of some kind of 19th century steel mill or something, where all the immigrant laborers worked 12 hour shifts, and in the end they all got burned or crushed to death or deformity. INstead of the work actually destroying the iphone maker's bodies, like it does in heavy industry, it destroys their minds. In fact he thinks the work prison is pretty much fine, because it has fast food available. So i guess the only conclusion to be reached is that iPhones/iPads are immoral. If people cared about human rights or worker's rights any of that shit they might not purchase these items. you know, enriching a few uptight twats a la steve jobs, while poor chinamen leap to their death off of a factory roof. (In a bid to lighten the conscience of iphone users, apple co. shill and avowed steve jobs dickriding publication wired magazine talked positively about the anti suicide nets installed at the factory, and the relatively low proportion of workers who killed themselves. Is wired to apple what vice is to american apparel?)
drivin into the beer distributor this mornin, windows down, techno blastin, dude gettin in his car turns around, and gives me possibly the most epic wooooo ever.
Boy was not clownin jsut bein the boss. Why arent more people as chill as this dude. Why dont more people realize that im on a killer bender. that im just tryin to party. Just came back from night of mayhem and drunkenness in philly and am goin back to go get another 24 pack of steel reserve (btws 15 bucks for 24, 16 oz. best deal on planet)
and now im watchin this.
yes. that was eddie murphy
Boy was not clownin jsut bein the boss. Why arent more people as chill as this dude. Why dont more people realize that im on a killer bender. that im just tryin to party. Just came back from night of mayhem and drunkenness in philly and am goin back to go get another 24 pack of steel reserve (btws 15 bucks for 24, 16 oz. best deal on planet)
and now im watchin this.
yes. that was eddie murphy
Monday, February 7, 2011
howard stern is kind of weird. people really loved that shit, but i think his cleverness lies in surrounding himself with people who are funnier than him.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
SEPARATED at Birth????
Julian from Trailer Park Boys. this is a critically acclaimed Tv Show about hilarious white-trash gangsters from
Noah Chasin, famous in a tentious sense, also Bard art History professor. He likes to big-up himself and wear bapes. also bullshit about buildings and architecture. he has the world's ugliest hat in his possession and wears it on field trips to nyc.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
PusSY StoRm
feel like theres already been a mad sweet title like this before. Dont remember though and really dont care. Just all pissed off by all the pussywillow herbs who be so soft theyre terricloth. Yeah if u have made small talk with any person living in america lately u have heard about some snow/ice thats gonna fall and make it so nobody can go to work.
THink its a joke, think no snow is comin... think its a conspiracy from terrorists that are just out to halt the american economy. Already heard about so many fools who are just not gonna go to work. About as pussy as clay matthews hair. straight crooked... and wait what troy is a fan of cher? what? Somebody needs to man up and his name is gonna be James Harrison. Done.
o btws

^ Only storm i give a damn about

^ found that while looking for halle berry nude... god loves me
THink its a joke, think no snow is comin... think its a conspiracy from terrorists that are just out to halt the american economy. Already heard about so many fools who are just not gonna go to work. About as pussy as clay matthews hair. straight crooked... and wait what troy is a fan of cher? what? Somebody needs to man up and his name is gonna be James Harrison. Done.
o btws
^ Only storm i give a damn about

^ found that while looking for halle berry nude... god loves me
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