The man is real. the man makes you get a job that makes someone else rich, and u bored. the man makes u go to school as a child instead of having fun/working in a coal mine. (it preps you for the coal mine of the rest of your lyfe) the man says you cant have a g
ood time and drive your car. The man does all sorts of shit. encourages you to have a family and produce more work slave children. The man was identified a long time ago and i knew, but then i forgot, but now i rememebreed. The man is called Panopticon-man. he was first discovered by jeremy bentham in the 1800s. his "unequal gaze" withered everyone. Everyone felt his stare, feared his reprisal before it happened, and followed his rules. this was actually an idea for a crazy prison where everyone would hate themself and the man.

this is panopticon and the homeplace of the man.
Michel Foucault finished f
iguring it out. everything is related into one giant discipline system. school, hospital, prison, military, government, law, court. They combine to form the man. The man wants to make u work for him so him and his boys (the media, industry, facebook shit like that, credit cards, atms, nasa, the bank) can make u their lifestyle slave.

the man is the worst.
if the man woulda let me been a coal miner when i was an energetic kid instead of makin me go to school, i would have enough money now to be chillin hard like my older lethargic body now needs (due to all the tiring, abusive schooling i've been through)
ReplyDeletethe man's gotta keep the people restrained through a perpetual gauntlet of trivial tasks