^ sick prose
and like the ship that this speaks of, saki's writing also laid hidden waiting to be uncoverd by me. He was a brit with sarcasm, smooth style, a taste for decadence and disdain for a society that scorned his "lifestyle choices". Totes like me!... cept his lifestyle choices were to be oscar wylin (wit dudes) and mine are to just wyle out on partyin. But was Saki [H. H. (Hector Hugh... gots to steal that name) Munro] a mindset predecessor???... for sure.
his satirical wit and casual humor is def worthy of envy.
And fortunately this website makes his style accessible for quick consumption at all times (almost like a blog from 100 years ago) http://haytom.us/
pretty sick if u dont have no money for books and cable and stuff...
but then again if ur cool like me u read first editions.
btws ... how can u not appreciate a dude that cherishes the drinkin of green chartreuse
"Personally, I can't see where the difficulty in choosing suitable presents lies. No boy who had brought himself up properly could fail to appreciate one of those decorative bottles of liqueurs that are so reverently staged in Morel's window--and it wouldn't in the least matter if one did get duplicates. And there would always be the supreme moment of dreadful uncertainty whether it was creme de menthe or Chartreuse--like the expectant thrill on seeing your partner's hand turned up at bridge. People may say what they like about the decay of Christianity; the religious system that produced green Chartreuse can never really die. "
Christ(ianity), I, uh, implore the charity of, uh, ur thorn... SAKI is fuxxxin boug, but still sooo good.