baseball, football, soccer, and now tennis...
Hey at least its not nascar right.
Anyways the free time ive had to contemplate the role of sports on the modern mans life has really fucked with my head. Its entertainment for sure, exciting and invigorating too but all vicariously. I guess i can root for hometown/city/country but do i really care about how Andy Roddick does in the us open? Probs not, but i guess its something like participating in govt and politics and ur community and knowing things that other people do so that when people talk about current and relevant things u can add ur twosense in and provide some uneducated and redundant but topical opinions.
kinda like blllogggin
u know whats not like bloggin.
fuckin checkin out hot chicks.
its alot better than bloggin.
yeah obvis shes hot, i feel like everyone and his father has beat it to anna kournikova.
i feel like maria sharapova is hotter. Not only is she better at tennis but shes also god damn sexy.
yet i dont recall as much hoopla about her sexiness as about horny kourni... Maybe thats my poor memeory cuz the internet seems to luvz her.
and her boobies
and her boooottaayyy
and her cameltoe
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