Monday, September 13, 2010

Bachelor... in HELLLLLL! (alternate title... a weee bit of Real Talk)

I recently had a dream and then awoke abruptly and in a moment of great inspiration scribbled on a torn off piece of papertowel the title of the first screenplay i would pen under the psuedonym James T. Kolodziejski (watch for it, I'm gonna blow up) . In a matter of seconds i fell back to sleep. I was obviously exhausted from spending so much mental energy conjuring up a dream of such epic proportions.
In the morning i awoke with a strong feeling of pride one might confuse with arrogance. However as my drowsiness wore off i recalled that my proud disposition was deserved as i had developed the idea for a masterpiece without even being awake. So i rummaged aroudn for the valuable piece of papertowel and alas i found it under some books and other things that intellectuals like myself keep on bedside tables. Not to my surprise at all, the title was eloquent, brief and daring. It was perfect.


Its gonna be sick. Mad demons and goblins coming out of hidden compartments and traincars that slowly become more and more mindboggling warped as one descends deeper and nearer to the depths at whihc hell dwells... I might add some crazy twist at the end once filming begins kinda like my philly bro midnight shamalanny.


My awesome movie reminds me of this biopic I saw recently called Bachelor in Paradise.
Its about this guy Bob Hope and how he fucked around with a bunch of house wives cuz they all had meaningless lives and lived in shitty developments. It explains alot about how banal existence was in the 1950s and early 60s, and then draws a comparison to modern day. The many similarities between that backwards time perido and our own free, just, and democratic age helps to destroy the flawed, brainwash induced idea that we live in a progressive society. It also reminds us that any supposed progress is in fact deterioration of a dysfunctional community inspired by the understandably undisclosed necessity for death and desruction of many things human due to our overpopulation, pollution (environmentally and aethestically) and perversion of natural existence.

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