U might even have as much fun as these typical suburban teenagers
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
call me mac rappalicious
where is the best of everything? the suburbs. it's true. and possibly small cities in upstate NY, but probably just the suburbs. and not the kind of suburbs where the houses are on top of each other and you can't even swim in your pool naked or have outdoor raves all night. the worst ever might be new york city. its so crowded, hot, expensive, hard to get around, full of people, and scarcely any regular people. almost everyone is a crackhead, selling cds, a foreigner, or is my peer from liberal arts school. i suppose old people do old people things and live in fancy parts, and go to fancy things, otherwise they fall into the other demographics. i want to start a new trend, im trying my fucking dammndest, along with some dedicated co-trendstarters. it's called living in the suburbs with a college degree and chilling. lots of people move to the city, but wheres the fun in that. sure there's lots of other people and shit and bars and things, but if everyone just went to the fun places nearish to cities wouldnt it be chill? if noone moved into the city anymore than all the chilling would take place in the suburbs and it would be cheap, and free of crackheads and shit like that.

U might even have as much fun as these typical suburban teenagers
U might even have as much fun as these typical suburban teenagers
Saturday, September 25, 2010
utube, u r my savior
since i graduated and didnt learn nething (specially spelling, no spelling class what the fucks that about, i probs woulda aced dat shit) ive been trying to find some way to learn stuf.
like lots of stuf.
and then i realized i have the ultimate tool stolen from alein technology at my fingertips, the internet! (more specifically youuutuuube/wikipedia).
it really proves how good natured humanity is. hundreds of thousands of peeps loading how to videos on the web just to educate my couch bound, lazy ass. ALbeit these folks are probs mad bored, lonely and harboring some intense feeling of worthlessness, but alas we have the internet and their loneliness and my stupidity can be unified and thus nullified.
shes great
wish i learned this in college...
or at least wish my roommate did...
ps: my recent title links have been straight fire
like lots of stuf.
and then i realized i have the ultimate tool stolen from alein technology at my fingertips, the internet! (more specifically youuutuuube/wikipedia).
it really proves how good natured humanity is. hundreds of thousands of peeps loading how to videos on the web just to educate my couch bound, lazy ass. ALbeit these folks are probs mad bored, lonely and harboring some intense feeling of worthlessness, but alas we have the internet and their loneliness and my stupidity can be unified and thus nullified.
shes great
wish i learned this in college...
or at least wish my roommate did...
ps: my recent title links have been straight fire
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
new eminem is the new creed
i love creed, but eminem's new vaguely uplifting, yet morbid, anthemic singles are in the same vein as creed. i imagine the same impulses that make people buy the last few eminem albums (besides the strength of his prior work) are very similar to the impetus behind buying creed albums like 8 years ago or whenever those were really popular. the only difference being i would not ever want to listen to a song where eminem tells rihanna to "look me in the eyeball" whereas i can fucking rock out to 6 feet from the edge.

i wish u were still fat and making songs like ass like that...
maybe creed will have an album called relapse because of scott stapp's drinking problem lulz
i wish u were still fat and making songs like ass like that...
maybe creed will have an album called relapse because of scott stapp's drinking problem lulz
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
cool babies
little kids arent allowed to be cool. a little kids can be a nice kid but they cant be a billy badass. a little kid who acts like, or thinks they are: unique, a billy badass, smart, interesting, or anything else is definitely just a spoiled little shit. because i find out about contemporary culture from the best source ever (the new yorker) i might be kind of behind the times on this baby fashion blogger. when i read this article though, i was just disgusted. count me along with the other people who find nothing remarkable about an over-indulged tween who is fawned over by people who lead meaningless lives. first page of the new yorker profile she is shown sitting in her room with her eclectic style and taste (mad records and shit, based on the article im assuming its a "vintage" dress, comme des garcon shoes or whatever, edward gorey book) but guess what else, tucked away in the corner is a burned cd labeled "arcade fire" this i believe is an "entry level alt" musical act, which may or may not be featured in rolling stone. in regards to shopping at salvation army she says "some people say its so gross. u dont kno whos been wearing this shit. im like exactly!" WOWOW this is worthy of a new yorker article. a spoiled rich kid of older, intellectual type parents enjoys shopping at thrift stores STOP THE FUCKING PRESS RIGHT NOW< THIS CERTAINLY MUST BE A NEW PHENOMENON!!!!

there are lots more indulged little children. i think their parents are inordinately impressed by them, which makes the kiddies think they actually are somehow special. it is also very common at ski mountains, where hordes of loud little cabbage patch kids yell about their gnarly fucking moves. how about they man up and start drinking and taking drugs the moment they wake up in the morning, then move into a dirty apartment with creepy older drug addicts. until then i wont be impressed. same with the fashion baby. suffer for the art. your norwegian artist hebrew teaching mother needs to become frightened of you for you to really get avante garde.
there are lots more indulged little children. i think their parents are inordinately impressed by them, which makes the kiddies think they actually are somehow special. it is also very common at ski mountains, where hordes of loud little cabbage patch kids yell about their gnarly fucking moves. how about they man up and start drinking and taking drugs the moment they wake up in the morning, then move into a dirty apartment with creepy older drug addicts. until then i wont be impressed. same with the fashion baby. suffer for the art. your norwegian artist hebrew teaching mother needs to become frightened of you for you to really get avante garde.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I'll see your SWeEt TuUnEs and raise you, MorRE SWeet TOonS
- honestly for the longest time i forgot that music was broadcasted by things other than a hypem and an ipod.
until one fateful day when i accidentally pushed some buttons on my dashboard and the fm receiver changed stations to somethign other than my ipod hookup. So mcuh fuckin static i thought i broke the damn thing. But than i heard some music and realized that if u have a good station, the radio is fuckin dope.
wprb - princeton radio station use to listen to that shit, than went to ColLEgE and forgot about its sweetness. now i can stream that shit on my computer and have someone else make decisions for me. Some people got some good taste (death of tango with pablo, Slow Food with Dj Diana Dipset, double plus good with lizbot) , other people suck like (best of uk with scott einhorn - he claims people dont like coldplay solely for appearances sake)
Now on to the jams
some cramps with betty page... nice combo
found this while looking for can your pussy do the dog
chicks are pretty fuckin crazy. ANd there are a startling amount of youtube videos of normal-like chicks strippin and shit. thats kinda weird. but kinda sweet
All that other shit was entertaining and funny but this last shit is actually untouchable... like honestly how can u make a better song/singer. the hottest finest awesomest
until one fateful day when i accidentally pushed some buttons on my dashboard and the fm receiver changed stations to somethign other than my ipod hookup. So mcuh fuckin static i thought i broke the damn thing. But than i heard some music and realized that if u have a good station, the radio is fuckin dope.
wprb - princeton radio station use to listen to that shit, than went to ColLEgE and forgot about its sweetness. now i can stream that shit on my computer and have someone else make decisions for me. Some people got some good taste (death of tango with pablo, Slow Food with Dj Diana Dipset, double plus good with lizbot) , other people suck like (best of uk with scott einhorn - he claims people dont like coldplay solely for appearances sake)
Now on to the jams
some cramps with betty page... nice combo
found this while looking for can your pussy do the dog
chicks are pretty fuckin crazy. ANd there are a startling amount of youtube videos of normal-like chicks strippin and shit. thats kinda weird. but kinda sweet
All that other shit was entertaining and funny but this last shit is actually untouchable... like honestly how can u make a better song/singer. the hottest finest awesomest
Friday, September 17, 2010
What is another name for the national league?
A 16 team tournament to lose to the Yankees. the fucking AL east is so good toronto would probably be winning the NL wildcard. or at least have a shot. damn i digress alot (ochocinco page whatever) The "senior circuit" is a bunch of bullshit, they have been sucking the AL's d basically since like 1903, back when major league games lasted around 90 minutes and only took place during daylight. On the radio they are having a dipset weekend, and in november there is a dipset reuniion concert. im OMEGA pumped.
how good is this fucking song? I got it from the website that was/is? this website's preeminent phillie's fan homepage. they were doing a best songs of the 90s thing. (p-fork)(n. goersky)
But this one im claiming some measure of credit for. theres a dancey one thats sick.
how good is this fucking song? I got it from the website that was/is? this website's preeminent phillie's fan homepage. they were doing a best songs of the 90s thing. (p-fork)(n. goersky)
But this one im claiming some measure of credit for. theres a dancey one thats sick.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
DJ's a soccer players???
kinda thought baseball was a gentlemans sport. Kinda thoguht you didnt fake getting hit in order to go to first base. Kinda thought you just tried to hit the ball.
(btws my youtube clips are getting mad underground. Their like the hippest of youtube videos. This one only has 338 views)
Does this count as a dive?
Jason Heyward told the umps when he got hit by a line drive on the bottom of his cleat. Hes a g. Kinda wish he was on the phillies. so he could experience the joy of winning the nl east and the pennant and the world series. Cuz thats what g's deserve.
(no shots fired tim)
(btws my youtube clips are getting mad underground. Their like the hippest of youtube videos. This one only has 338 views)
Does this count as a dive?
Jason Heyward told the umps when he got hit by a line drive on the bottom of his cleat. Hes a g. Kinda wish he was on the phillies. so he could experience the joy of winning the nl east and the pennant and the world series. Cuz thats what g's deserve.
(no shots fired tim)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Bachelor... in HELLLLLL! (alternate title... a weee bit of Real Talk)
I recently had a dream and then awoke abruptly and in a moment of great inspiration scribbled on a torn off piece of papertowel the title of the first screenplay i would pen under the psuedonym James T. Kolodziejski (watch for it, I'm gonna blow up) . In a matter of seconds i fell back to sleep. I was obviously exhausted from spending so much mental energy conjuring up a dream of such epic proportions.
In the morning i awoke with a strong feeling of pride one might confuse with arrogance. However as my drowsiness wore off i recalled that my proud disposition was deserved as i had developed the idea for a masterpiece without even being awake. So i rummaged aroudn for the valuable piece of papertowel and alas i found it under some books and other things that intellectuals like myself keep on bedside tables. Not to my surprise at all, the title was eloquent, brief and daring. It was perfect.
Its gonna be sick. Mad demons and goblins coming out of hidden compartments and traincars that slowly become more and more mindboggling warped as one descends deeper and nearer to the depths at whihc hell dwells... I might add some crazy twist at the end once filming begins kinda like my philly bro midnight shamalanny.
My awesome movie reminds me of this biopic I saw recently called Bachelor in Paradise.
Its about this guy Bob Hope and how he fucked around with a bunch of house wives cuz they all had meaningless lives and lived in shitty developments. It explains alot about how banal existence was in the 1950s and early 60s, and then draws a comparison to modern day. The many similarities between that backwards time perido and our own free, just, and democratic age helps to destroy the flawed, brainwash induced idea that we live in a progressive society. It also reminds us that any supposed progress is in fact deterioration of a dysfunctional community inspired by the understandably undisclosed necessity for death and desruction of many things human due to our overpopulation, pollution (environmentally and aethestically) and perversion of natural existence.
In the morning i awoke with a strong feeling of pride one might confuse with arrogance. However as my drowsiness wore off i recalled that my proud disposition was deserved as i had developed the idea for a masterpiece without even being awake. So i rummaged aroudn for the valuable piece of papertowel and alas i found it under some books and other things that intellectuals like myself keep on bedside tables. Not to my surprise at all, the title was eloquent, brief and daring. It was perfect.
Its gonna be sick. Mad demons and goblins coming out of hidden compartments and traincars that slowly become more and more mindboggling warped as one descends deeper and nearer to the depths at whihc hell dwells... I might add some crazy twist at the end once filming begins kinda like my philly bro midnight shamalanny.
My awesome movie reminds me of this biopic I saw recently called Bachelor in Paradise.
Its about this guy Bob Hope and how he fucked around with a bunch of house wives cuz they all had meaningless lives and lived in shitty developments. It explains alot about how banal existence was in the 1950s and early 60s, and then draws a comparison to modern day. The many similarities between that backwards time perido and our own free, just, and democratic age helps to destroy the flawed, brainwash induced idea that we live in a progressive society. It also reminds us that any supposed progress is in fact deterioration of a dysfunctional community inspired by the understandably undisclosed necessity for death and desruction of many things human due to our overpopulation, pollution (environmentally and aethestically) and perversion of natural existence.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
im going to try to read every article. its so good. its fun to go on a wikipedia tangent. it starts off, youre just learning up about he master of alternative history, harry tutrltedove, but then youre like reading about some book he wrote and youre like no way this due was an actual real life character, then you look at his far-right security/paramilitary consultancy, and you see he helped out the greek military junta of 67-74. then you see that the junta didnt persecute the hippies at some island. and that jopni mitchell was inspired to write a song about said hippies and island and shit in 1971, after she visited.

ok ok ok im here

not tooo far of a stretch

we movin

ok ok

ok but it only took like 2 minutes. and i learnt so much.
ok ok ok im here
not tooo far of a stretch
we movin
ok ok
ok but it only took like 2 minutes. and i learnt so much.
Friday, September 10, 2010
I put on a vegan crunk night
the more removed i am from this shit, the more novel and funny it seems. is something funnier when u only have a vague idea of it, but you know it is shit? making fun of people who dress like clowns is something everyone luvs. i think alot of that shit, like deliberately looking as unattractive as possible is mad retarded. (u see me high waisted jeans? american aparrel?) im saying like i own at dressing myself, thats no fuckin doubt, and im right about everything again obvi. i could just look at myself in a mirror for ages. or maybe the window of a parked car, idk im not too fussy. the making a video of pictures from DOs and DONTs is pretty funny too. some people like from college and shit, they seem like so deep into their pretentiousness, and like general space cadetedness brought about by arrogance, i would be surprised to see them drive a car. it would be like damn, you actually do something that normal people do, but im sure it pains you, if only old road bikes could be made to travel at highway speeds. people who couldnt even talk loudly enough in class for anyone to hear them "all this pretension is constricting my lungs, but i want to contribute to the discussion about women/minorities/some epic philosopher/a long book without pictures/etc". Regular ignorant people buy drinks at the store. semi-tentious people, who care about "DARFUR" and put their college's sticker on the back window of their car, they have bitch-ass nalgene bottles. the ultimate, unable to breathe rapidly or speak loudly peoples who wear orthopedic shoes and have moustaches have glass jars they refill with water, or some kind of tea.
upon further viewing i have noticed this video isnt 100% applicable to my shit, but fuck it enough of it is.
upon further viewing i have noticed this video isnt 100% applicable to my shit, but fuck it enough of it is.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
summer is slipping away
it felt like it went quickly. it kind of got rolling at the start of may; my head was in the summer, but the weather had not caught up yet. then it was all party and bullshit, kind of anticipatory and exciting. went to work in may and felt like i was waiting for something to really kick it off. from mid june until july i was really in the zone; it was hot as a moherfucker, i fucking killed it at the beach n whatnot. then august was august, but the bay area made me think of fall, and when i got back east it basically stayed that way. the fall is rough, i am kind of scared of it; when i was in school i had a severe love-hate with it, but now i feel like i am going to be stricken with a crippling nostalgia for when i was 15. i just want to wear a sweatshirt and skateboard through fallen leaves on the street. the summer sucks, winter is great, the spring is eh, but the fall is big fucking emotional mess that somehow combines all of the best and worst of everything.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Possible BlOg side project... Chicks in Sports (cuz there will always be more tennis chicks)
Mandy Minella... not bad...
I feel like you could do worse
oh and shes from Luxembourg ... sexy

Beatrice Capra... ok so shes only 18, but then again... shes 18.

Btws chicks better not be givin me shit for beatrice cuz im sure mad biddies been getting mad wet over ryan harrison (the 18 yr old face of us mens tennis)
I feel like you could do worse
oh and shes from Luxembourg ... sexy

Beatrice Capra... ok so shes only 18, but then again... shes 18.

Btws chicks better not be givin me shit for beatrice cuz im sure mad biddies been getting mad wet over ryan harrison (the 18 yr old face of us mens tennis)
++++ ADDITION ++++
shes really hot too...

ana ivanovic
shes 22... and i like to see her play tennis and score points cuz shes really cute when she smiles :) :) :) ;)

ana ivanovic
shes 22... and i like to see her play tennis and score points cuz shes really cute when she smiles :) :) :) ;)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
WHat HAVe I BEeN Doing
Honestly. I think im ill. Cuz all i can do is watch sports.
baseball, football, soccer, and now tennis...
Hey at least its not nascar right.
Anyways the free time ive had to contemplate the role of sports on the modern mans life has really fucked with my head. Its entertainment for sure, exciting and invigorating too but all vicariously. I guess i can root for hometown/city/country but do i really care about how Andy Roddick does in the us open? Probs not, but i guess its something like participating in govt and politics and ur community and knowing things that other people do so that when people talk about current and relevant things u can add ur twosense in and provide some uneducated and redundant but topical opinions.
kinda like blllogggin
u know whats not like bloggin.
fuckin checkin out hot chicks.
its alot better than bloggin.

yeah obvis shes hot, i feel like everyone and his father has beat it to anna kournikova.

i feel like maria sharapova is hotter. Not only is she better at tennis but shes also god damn sexy.
yet i dont recall as much hoopla about her sexiness as about horny kourni... Maybe thats my poor memeory cuz the internet seems to luvz her.

and her boobies

and her boooottaayyy

and her cameltoe
baseball, football, soccer, and now tennis...
Hey at least its not nascar right.
Anyways the free time ive had to contemplate the role of sports on the modern mans life has really fucked with my head. Its entertainment for sure, exciting and invigorating too but all vicariously. I guess i can root for hometown/city/country but do i really care about how Andy Roddick does in the us open? Probs not, but i guess its something like participating in govt and politics and ur community and knowing things that other people do so that when people talk about current and relevant things u can add ur twosense in and provide some uneducated and redundant but topical opinions.
kinda like blllogggin
u know whats not like bloggin.
fuckin checkin out hot chicks.
its alot better than bloggin.
yeah obvis shes hot, i feel like everyone and his father has beat it to anna kournikova.
i feel like maria sharapova is hotter. Not only is she better at tennis but shes also god damn sexy.
yet i dont recall as much hoopla about her sexiness as about horny kourni... Maybe thats my poor memeory cuz the internet seems to luvz her.
and her boobies
and her boooottaayyy
and her cameltoe
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