Who the fuck are lady antebellum and what the fuck are they doin at the world series?

("WHOOO AMMM IIII?" - thats what the one guy on the left there is pondering)
Second note of importance:
dump.fm is ridiculous
i could go on for hours about this shit and i prob will/have. What i find most baffling is the many communal forums and fads and niches that im not immediately a part of upon their inception
third note of importance:
susan sontag is a bitch but with mad smarts. probably a modern contemporary of hers seeing as my elitist insight on society and culture is unparalleled.
fourth note of importance:
was abstaining from writing for a while. I know, bitch move, but i had reasons and one of them was contemplating changin the blog url. and its gonna happen. so get ready.
once it happens ill tell u.
i swear.
fifth and final note of importance:
art - the meaning of life?/ the only thing meaningful in life?
... more to come