Everyone is abuzz about the SOcial Network (or was a week ago) What great acting, what great writing. assuming that the movie is basically as truthful as a history channel reenactment (aka mad truth) the whole conception and creation of "the spacebook" is immoral and untruthful. i know certain things being immoral doesn't preclude their widespread use or occurrence (wal-mart, religion, paying taxes to the corrupt American government, etc.) But still, no one touts wal mart or religion as the key to their maintenance of acquaintenceships from college. "oh i said hi to you at a party, now we will be internet fwends fowevew" "i need to feed the incredible loser that is mark zuckerberg", a beast so hateful and lame that he created a website off of someone else's idea, just so that he would have fame and recognition. (clearly it isn't for the money that clown drives an old TSX, and dresses like he hates the thought of aesthetics, even tho he has mad loot) Back before facebook was merely myspace 2.0, back when you still had different networks, and even when you still had to actually be a college student, maybe then it was ok, now it is just a cleaner myspace. remember in the movie when m-zucks said some shit clearly disparaging myspace like "no fun shit like backgrounds or songs" well now facebook has all kinds of wack shit like farmville, suck a dick hypocrite. I am digressing, either way, m-zucks, douschebag, ripped off the brazilian and the winkleV0sses.
But with facebook and other such internets things widely assumed to be the future of interaction by lame-ass writers on the internet and in magazines, i would like to draw attention to malcolm Gladwell's
article in the NEw Yorker While people can feel self important for joining a group on facebook saying "Save Darfur" they are doing FUCK all. it takes a top-down organized association of motivated persons to get shit done, i like where he says "facebook is just a tool to organize aquantences u can have 10000 facebook fwends like you clearly don't in real life". when he talks about the al-qaeda command thing versus loosely grouped/motivated social webs, i was reminded of
this article, on khalid sheik mohhamed. but anyway, the bottom line is big shit poppin, lil shit stoppin, and facebook and whatnot are a big ole bunch of low-risk, meaningless, kiddy-time Little SHit.