tom cruise is the worst. everyone agrees on this. some people have been of the opinion that his character in tropic thunder, jooish hollywood agent-man was tots hilarious. this is a fallacy. that character was not funny. watching the self congratulatory ramblings of a lunatic made me irritated that said lunatic was allowed to appear before the general public, he belongs in a brutal, victorian era insane asylum. tom cruise imitating jeremy piven's ari gold character from entourage was unfunny. his was a half-assed attempt to recapture whatever relevance he may have had ca. top gun (no homo). i heard he performed at the viacom event known as the mtv movie awards alongside a fly girl from in living color, as this jewish agent character. i hope jeremy piven slaps tom cruise w/ a big plagiarism. actually plagiarism would indicate a half-way decent rip-off. tom cruise rips off ari gold so badly as to seem that he had never worked in hollywood. its all well and good to joke about the age old truth that the entertainment business is run by jewish businessmen, but at least be funny about it. tom cruise doesnt take jokes about his own even more silly religious beliefs too well (applicable towards all organized religions i think) i think a full investigative report regarding "l. Ron HubbUrd presents: Scientology: battle field earth and teh chronicles of xenu" as the stupidest religion this side of every other one ( but especially islam)[jk jk] {the stupidest is probably protestants}

hahahha im a big jooooo. LOLzzz.
wtf did u say bout may b0y L. Ron? im bout to sic my thet0n powers on U!! nd if that fails hack your wikipedia and hassle u with endless lawsuits. u kno how we do
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