people don't get it, but i get it cause showerheads are possibly the most important thing in the world mainly because they affect my comfort level so severely.
this head sucks. its only got six fuckin holes... it might look fancy and shit but ur gettin gypped by gypsies. when im showering i need the head to mimic the force and immensity of a waterfall ... if it cant do that - failure.
what. the. fuck. : : : the awesome hip modern designer of this showerhead should be vanquished from the realm of the living practical humans and be given the gift of the white room he desires. Whether that room be in a kunst museum or cuckoo's nest, i do not care but i do care about my showerheads
despite the ugly design that would not fit in any normal household this head is on the right track... perhaps if i had four of those hangin from the ceiling and four on each wall surrounding me. yeahhh thats a comforting thought. Oh shit my shower also has to have a heater in it too. So it keeps all the air around me hot so i dont get like coldness on my ankle or somethin ignant like dat.
oh btws that showerheads got an led light... fuck dat shit get me one wit an led tv.
im down
i feel real bad for peeps with showers that act like sprinklers. But i would feel worse for myself if i had that problem. But then again i would fix that problem by gettin a new shower head... so then i guess its a pretty solvable problem. Man some people be so ignorant.
p.s. this fool told me he was gettin blown in the shower but he couldnt get it up... like he just has some kinda e.d. in showers but once he's dry he bones it out... worst showerhead ever
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