its livestock and i care about the animals.
They are big beautiful and full of historic value, aka weird as shit and expensive for no reason.
This is a picture of a massive fuckin cow... and some dude starin in bewilderment at the size of this massive fuckin cow.
Now if i had a cow this fuckin big i would be psyched, but then again i would also be frightened as a mothafucker.
Either English farmers were way ahead of the curve and pumpin their merchandise with a larger daily dosage of drugs than even weezy and mcgwire took combined, or somebody is usin a little artistic liscence to embellish their subjects girth
i wonder if farmers would tease one another for having small cows and oxs. And the one with the biggest animal gets the hottest wifey and then the one wiht a tiny animal slams the ugly wifey but shes actually really sweet and always reminds him that its not the size of ur ox but how u use it.
if i had a ram this big i dont even know what i would do with it
...probably probably make my bitch eat it
I'm not kidding when I say I read this blog every day and die laughing. Seriously. haha