After the crushing disappointment of last week no NEw EpSIODE! I was 0mega PumPed for this week. The set up for the pivotal dinner was absurd. WHy would soooso many rich and powerful and/or famous people who are all beautiful have nothing to do. the fact that it is thanksgiving is irrelevant. The dinner itself was a monstrosity. the only people who came out of it not looking like douschbaAAGS were 1. Rufus: such a nice guy. 2. CHuck Bass: Nietzschean overman. 3. Serenas hot mom's mother (not as hot as her[serena's] mom) 4. Kind of Blair and her mother: it is weird how blair waldorf's drama is so meaningless.
talking points: serena, slute, totally. mayor or whatevr, creep, nerd. nate, weak ass bitch got punked out by a nerd. vanessas's mom, lame character, pointless.

Amazing r0mance between UNattractIVe foreign servants (russian or somehting, should have g0tten a
hot one ) *servants in uniform in a private house is so absurd, that for a minute i thought they had slaves.
Serena's gonna get Mary Jo Kopechcned