Sunday, October 2, 2011

caring is uncool

lately over on the facebook i have been seeing alot of my friends writing shit like "those occupy wall st protesters are mad dumb, im mad smart because i have a business degree". It seems as though in the current climate, for some reason it is uncool to give a shit. anyone who expresses an opinion about unfairness or fucked-upedness in economics or politics is laughed at. everyone is too busy checking out dubstep remixes or jogging or some shit. i dont even know. it just doesnt make sense to me, maybe most of my friends dont actually know any poor people. maybe they think the complaints of the occupy wall st protestors are uninformed or sophomoric. this is how they are being portrayed in the media. there was a ny times editorial that basically said they are confused and dont know anything. the problem is obviously that pretty much anything that appears in a mainstream media outlet is pushing an agenda supporting status quo. being the "paper of record" basically means that the ny times is a paid schill for whichever fascist currently sits in the whitehouse. you know what groups of people were really killing it under fascism? industrialists and bankers, the very same people currently shitting on everyone else in america. what i dont understand is why people from all across the economic spectrum think its fine to be an apologist for these pigs. there was a thing in the economist where they polled people and basically americans dont mind income disparity. by and large people dont think they should have more money relative to rich people. somehow you are supposed to feel bad about the MILLIONAIRES TAX. a million dollars is a FUCKING TON of money. shit after taxes i wonder if most people earn that in their lifetime. (i couldnt be bothered to actually do the math) the media has done such a good job convincing poor saps that they need rich people to stay stupid rich in order for them to get sloppy shitty handouts. people have been convinced that unions are bad. maybe if people are dumb enough to believe that shit they deserve all this. if you vote republican you deserve to be foreclosed on, and you should be in debt for your shitty college degree that wont get u a good job. I just dont understand why nobody seems to care. at least there is equal opportunity indifference and they didnt join the tea party.