Thursday, May 26, 2011

DOs and DONTs

look over there; it's McLovin on a European vacation.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HOLD on a sec fooooll ... but btw...

this is hot fire, mostly cuz of ma boy willem dafriend killin it

think what they are trying to say is... when u go to nyc to chill wit ur homies and be mad hip, drink jim beam or some even cheaper whiskey so that u can save some bills and open up a bar in detroit... smart moves

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Evan, you need to check your boy

im waiting to really get down to business but so much ammunition has been provided that i believe the time is nigh to really clown on a clown. a real clown. going to get a clowning.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I'm not really qualified to write about art, having been a history major in college, but i did take a few art history classes, and take a small interest in the arts, especially when my friends have made them. not so much music though, solo los arts visual. neways i checked out adams film show, which felt more like being in a aquarium, which was a vibe i rlly liked (instead of a film senior project that is a movie screening as many others are). i love aquariums (no troy mcclure) boats and shit. photo show. that was fun too.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

i hate my job

couldn't find the real video with the original version.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

osama bin laden: shot in bed

i dont really like all the cheering after osama bin laden died. it reminds me of some shit they would do in one of the ignorant third world countries that hate america. cheering on 9/11. this is the same kind of dumb. this kind of makes america look bad, and is the most see-through kind of blatant jingoistic pandering. funny from a man who promised "hope" and "change". not to mention that the whole story sounds suspect as shit. since when did they bother with islamic funeral tradition for the thousands of other muslims killed in the war on terror.

this video is great. i like how all the conspiracy theories (all of which i believe in) were worked into the one video. i just saw natural born killers, i thought it was heavy handed message about violence in the media or some shit, but still good, then i saw all the bin laden shit, and maybe thats sort of how things are.