But rlly i think everyone understands that the war on drugs is an epic fail. If anyone wanted drugs it wouldnt be hard to get them. across the country drugs are available, just at an artificially jacked up price; if it werent for drugs being illegal, drug dealing would be a shitty job: at least as bad as a cigarette dealer or a beer dealer, you wouldnt even have to say dealer anymore, because that sounds stupid. there would be like the beer distributor of drugs (maybe in some states they would even have all that shit available under one roof, but definitely not shitty states liek NJ or PA or MA, where beer is unavailable in gas stations.)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
jobs n shit, theyre stupid. Many jobs require a drug test, this is even stupider. especially a job where you never even interact with anyone except your co-workers (but no civilians) like what the fuck difference does it matter if u did drugs on your own time and it didnt interfere with your ability to perform at your job. look at maradona; he was doing mad yay and he still basicly forced napoli to win the serie a and the uefa cup. as long as you dont have like ignorant tattoos on you that proclaim how much u love drugs and hate being productive

But rlly i think everyone understands that the war on drugs is an epic fail. If anyone wanted drugs it wouldnt be hard to get them. across the country drugs are available, just at an artificially jacked up price; if it werent for drugs being illegal, drug dealing would be a shitty job: at least as bad as a cigarette dealer or a beer dealer, you wouldnt even have to say dealer anymore, because that sounds stupid. there would be like the beer distributor of drugs (maybe in some states they would even have all that shit available under one roof, but definitely not shitty states liek NJ or PA or MA, where beer is unavailable in gas stations.)
But rlly i think everyone understands that the war on drugs is an epic fail. If anyone wanted drugs it wouldnt be hard to get them. across the country drugs are available, just at an artificially jacked up price; if it werent for drugs being illegal, drug dealing would be a shitty job: at least as bad as a cigarette dealer or a beer dealer, you wouldnt even have to say dealer anymore, because that sounds stupid. there would be like the beer distributor of drugs (maybe in some states they would even have all that shit available under one roof, but definitely not shitty states liek NJ or PA or MA, where beer is unavailable in gas stations.)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Youse a FAERIE
youse also a sookie.
...and officially youse a hoe
what comes next... maybe...
youse a USAIn BOLT!

... if you wear his personalized soccer cleat!

5.3 ounces... the lightest boot in the world. ever.
And at $ 349.99 its not jsut another pair of fancy european walking shoes
...and officially youse a hoe
what comes next... maybe...
youse a USAIn BOLT!
... if you wear his personalized soccer cleat!
PUMA v1.10 Lightning SL Soccer Boots
puma losing the fancy cleats competition so they up the anti and make nike and adidas fall behind in the footrace.5.3 ounces... the lightest boot in the world. ever.
And at $ 349.99 its not jsut another pair of fancy european walking shoes
SLy's IQ: 80 or 180?!?!?
i hate goin to the movies.
There are so many things i could spend 11 dollars on that i wouldnt regret two hours later... a five guys burger (6), a buffalo chicken cheesesteak (7), a 12 of yuenger (8), 3 4locos (9), discount montezumas (10... seriously what a deal), a bottle of wine thats cheap but isnt yellowtail thus helping you get in the pants of a woman (11 ... why not) .
WHen i take my self to the movies i imagine i am taking myself on a date that might end later in a little hj but liek a pissed off gf i find myself wondering, where is the sushi, where is the nice beer, where is the pleasurable social atmospher? No i cannot have these simple things i enjoy because i am in a theatre where i must starve through 2 hours of sitting uncomfortably and mantaining complete silence for fear of being hushed by the many tweens and malcontent adults within 20 feet of me (wayyy too close for a two hour span).
Ye t for some reason i purchase a ticket. and i endure the consequences.
What lured me this time?...
maybe it was the trailor
or maybe it was long list of master class actors

... for whatever reason, i went, i spent, and regret - i did not.
A contemporary absurdist comedic masterpiece - yes
Technically one of the worst movies i have ever seen - yes
is one viewing in a terrible theatre worth 11 dollars - definitely
There are so many things i could spend 11 dollars on that i wouldnt regret two hours later... a five guys burger (6), a buffalo chicken cheesesteak (7), a 12 of yuenger (8), 3 4locos (9), discount montezumas (10... seriously what a deal), a bottle of wine thats cheap but isnt yellowtail thus helping you get in the pants of a woman (11 ... why not) .
WHen i take my self to the movies i imagine i am taking myself on a date that might end later in a little hj but liek a pissed off gf i find myself wondering, where is the sushi, where is the nice beer, where is the pleasurable social atmospher? No i cannot have these simple things i enjoy because i am in a theatre where i must starve through 2 hours of sitting uncomfortably and mantaining complete silence for fear of being hushed by the many tweens and malcontent adults within 20 feet of me (wayyy too close for a two hour span).
Ye t for some reason i purchase a ticket. and i endure the consequences.
What lured me this time?...
maybe it was the trailor
or maybe it was long list of master class actors
... for whatever reason, i went, i spent, and regret - i did not.
A contemporary absurdist comedic masterpiece - yes
Technically one of the worst movies i have ever seen - yes
is one viewing in a terrible theatre worth 11 dollars - definitely
Sunday, August 22, 2010
RUH_ROHHH!!!! and it suxx too bc he was just getting in some total physical comedy lulz with his bros, and then the ice cream trukk runs game on him. much in the way i say "as hot and lecherous as a sparrow" with a king in the castle walk, imagine if an ice cream truck ran me over while i was walking and talking funny to make a laugh.
Friday, August 20, 2010
some people call me the space cowboy...
others dont. In my limited understanding of the homeless, there are several commonly encountered varieties. There seem to be three large groups. The first is drug addict or some other way dysfunctional. they are often begging but can usually be ignored. The second, which are particularly frightening, are the lunatic homeless. They are often talking to themselves or other people. You want to cross the street to avoid them, but they might notice you for doing something out of the ordinary, then harass you with their craziness. Sometimes they even get in your face about something that doesnt make any sense (god, speaking in a different language) At the most benign level, they will engage you harmlessly, but their mind os so addled, and their mouth so toothless, that you cannot understand what they are saying. Smiling and nodding only encourages them, the only thing you understand is a sloppy affirmation of whatever they were saying "you know what i mean" "right on", or something of the like. you might even be encouraged to make physical interaction; a high five, a chest bump, etc. in these occasions i try to simply give them the change in my pocket to appease them, because it is simply too awkward to try to understand them. The third and worst variety, is the kind of bohemian gutter punk. They are probably running away from lower middle class doldrums, and have stupid piercings. They might have a humourous sign, or a sign saying "just need 50cents to get to toledo" some ignorant shit like that. They can get feisty when you dont give them money, and are the one group that makes me wish that there still were workhouses. i dont give a fuck about your hippy bullshit, some hippies find ways to get by without begging (cooperative organic farms, printing presses for progressive literature and community newspapers, etc.) if you look like you might have a job, and are under 40, the traveling gypsy style hobos will pester you to no end for cigarettes, leftover food, and of course, money. there are tons of them in certain places; st. mark's NYC, church st. burlington, haight SF, some fucking part of montreal, and scattered throughout other places i dont know about. like chris rock said: if a homeless guy has a funny sign he hasnt been homeless long enough.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
bay wastin time
the middle, bottom and left parts of america; just not as good as the top right. cant quite figure out why, but they all seem hot, arid, rocky, peopled strangely. some parts possess a kind of natural beauty (u know who u are sedona, grand canyon, bayou) some are simply the worst, being unwieldy and bizarre (wont even say) godddaaammmn i luv me some upstate New York in the winter. cannot wait for all of the sleet and snow and cold.

that statement is premature, i havent formed much opinion of the last section.
that statement is premature, i havent formed much opinion of the last section.
Monday, August 9, 2010
somebody LOVES me (LOLZ)
im soooo pumped because this kid that i dont know is soooo pumped on my prose.
i mean he also likes shit like murakami which is crap but i guess i can take being one of murakamis contemporaries in the mind of this blogger.
i mean he also likes shit like murakami which is crap but i guess i can take being one of murakamis contemporaries in the mind of this blogger.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
You know what ELVIS always said
THE HOTTER THE BETTER. Elvis had a special glasshouse in his attic where he would wear woolen jumpsuits coated in USA rhinestones, drinking nearly boiling water (ca. 200 degrees fahrenheit) under a 3 foot stack of woolen blankets, with the heat cranking. ELVIS HATED AIR CONDITIONING. If he saw how there was air conditioning in his dad's office behind his house, he wouldve been livid he would have turned off his 3 sidebysidebyside TVs and he and his entourage would have driven his fleet of golf carts over to those responsible, and shot them with a long barreled, mother of pearl handled revolver.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
not even talkin bout asians im madd bout ustralians. literally ur country suxx. i wish u just sank into tha ocean. u have no culture and no good reason to exist just die u summer camp douchebags. australia is ha half assed america. suck a dick and die assholes. ima beat ur ass if ima see again pussssshole blooodclot muthafucka with u retard accent
Monday, August 2, 2010
NutCaKES cant HaVe GuNS!
i dont know if we have to make up a new term for the influential worth of this fella, but mindset predecessor just doesnt seem to fit.
He is raw power and irony in a highly presssurized can just waiting to get elected/explode
if someday in the future i can gain peoples support and faith for some endeavor just because i speak in a cute mumble slur stutter (aka the mumslutter) and have highly unrealistic goals, then i will probably have to admit that basilmarceauxdotcom inspired me to do it.
"Im NoT A CoP DonT Let Me Scare YOu... I;m BasilMArceauxDotCom"
He is raw power and irony in a highly presssurized can just waiting to get elected/explode
if someday in the future i can gain peoples support and faith for some endeavor just because i speak in a cute mumble slur stutter (aka the mumslutter) and have highly unrealistic goals, then i will probably have to admit that basilmarceauxdotcom inspired me to do it.
"Im NoT A CoP DonT Let Me Scare YOu... I;m BasilMArceauxDotCom"
yeah america that shit is mad yo, its so fuxxin huge. today i was in omega amounts of states like a bagilion propbabably. basically PENCILVAINEEYA is the worst, its about 888000x chode city. about 2 mm high and like 10" wide, so awkward. takes about 50 million yrs to drive thru. in general fuck that shit yo. but real talk alttoona is that hot fire----> TACO bell. either way

IM GONNA EAT U! (vrs. crave case)
IM GONNA EAT U! (vrs. crave case)
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